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New Burt & Carole Song
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:48 pm
by vincent.cole
Liz Smith Column
"PEOPLE, women especially, keep asking me to report on their idol Hugh Jackman. We already told you about his coming concert tour, opening in Las Vegas in April. But devout worshippers of this "Boy From Oz" should know that Hugh has just finished filming "The Fountain" in Montreal with Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn and Donna Murphy.
One of the treats from Hugh's coming concert will be a new song written especially for him by Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager. (These two haven't composed together in years!)"
P.S. I don't have any details about the song.
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:24 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Thanks Vincent. That's great news! I wonder what brought them back together again? Wouldn't it be just great if they started writing hit songs again for a whole slew of different singers?
After they got divorced, I wondered what terms they were on? I also hoped it was an "amicable" split (as they say).
The only problem with this (as I see it) is that Hugh Jackman is unlikely to have a hit song on the radio, no?
And whatever happened with Burt and Dre's collaboration?
Reply: An Enormous BB Fan
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:43 pm
by vincent.cole
Bonjour "An Enormous BB Fan";
Yes, it great that Burt and Carole can do projects together! I guess that kind of answers your question on a, amicable split.
Now getting play time is another thing on the radio for Hugh Jackman. It would be nice, but don't bet the farm on it The music world has change, as you are well aware of!
Abour Burt and Dre's collaboration. The last news was, that Burt had completed 4 songs. Hopefully the new CD from SONY will be out this year!
P.S. I left you a voice mail on your phone last night. Hey give me a call tonight just to chat about Burt and other things.
Take care mon ami.
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:24 pm
by Guest
Enormous, isn't some of the work with Dre supposed to come out this year in Burt's Sony CD? I live for the day of that release. And didn't a song or two get to be recorded by a sax player? (I've been living out of the US for a while and have been hesitating to buy over the net everything which happens to include a Bacharaach.)
I miss talking to you. In my book you're the greatest Burt fan ever. And that's coming from a huge fan who's listened to many, many Burt recordings thousands -- and I mean thousands -- of times, paying attention to every detail I can identify.
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:08 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Anonymous wrote:Enormous, isn't some of the work with Dre supposed to come out this year in Burt's Sony CD? I live for the day of that release. And didn't a song or two get to be recorded by a sax player? (I've been living out of the US for a while and have been hesitating to buy over the net everything which happens to include a Bacharaach.)
I miss talking to you. In my book you're the greatest Burt fan ever. And that's coming from a huge fan who's listened to many, many Burt recordings thousands -- and I mean thousands -- of times, paying attention to every detail I can identify.
First of all, thanks so much for your kind words. You made my day! No, my year! Anyway, it's hard to explain the effect that Burt and his music has had on my life. However, many here, I'm sure, have had the same feelings about Burt and his music, so I'm not alone.
I heard that the Sony album, which is totally orchestral, should be out this summer. It gives me something to live for!
Thanks again, guest!