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Futures and Woman

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:16 pm
by Naive Teen Idol
What's everyone's take here on these records? I heard them for the first time on the box. And my initial take on Futures is that regardless of it's very LA sound and histrionic vocals, it has some pretty astonishing melodies and arrangements — particularly "Where Are You?", "Us" and the instrumental "Another Spring Will Rise". Traces of Steely Dan, for sure. I'd be interested to hear the Tom Jones version of "Us".

Woman I'm still less familiar with. At first blush, while interesting, it's less melodically compelling and not as taut — a little all over the place.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts, though...

reply: woman and futures

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:50 am
by Werner
Maybe both albums need a little getting used to... they aren't as "easy listening" as for instance 'reach out', but when you listen more often and give them a chance you will hear that both albums are really great!! Woman is more subtle than you probably think at first.... Futures contains real classics like 'where are you', 'us', 'time and tenderness' and so on... the female-vocalist Joshie Armstead is really great on that album (does anybody know if she ever recorded her own albums?)! Keep giving them a try and you will enjoy them more and more!!

Woman / Futures

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:11 am
by Blair N. Cummings
I`ve bored and exasperated legions on this subject but seem never to tire of it myself. My preference has always been for the pure instrumental compositions. Despite my love for songs like "I`m a Better Man", "Come and Get Me" et al, I`d probably choose the soundtrack recordings over the D. W. albums for the Desert Island game.
Of Burt`s studio albums, my hands down favorite from first listen to now has been Woman. Even the music to the brief vocals seems more adventurous and enduring. As recommended in the above post, keep listening and I`m sure you will come to love this stuff more with time.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:07 pm
by mark
I've been listening for years, but "Woman" is still one of my least favorite Bacharach albums.

I'm not dismissing it entirely. I like "Futures" now whereas when I first heard it I thought it was, for lack of a better word, cheesy. As I've said before, you have to develop an ear to "hear through" the (sometimes dated) production and arrangement to get to the song, and when you do, you find chords, melodies, time signatures and riffs that are quintessentially Bacharach and incredibly beautiful and exciting. Maybe it appeals to trained ears or more sophisticated listeners, but I don't find myself playing "Woman" as much as "Futures," or "Living Together" or any of his soundtracks. It's not a bad record by any stretch, it just doesn't thrill me as much as some of his other records.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:55 pm
by Naive Teen Idol
Living Together is very, very good. It pretty much puts to rest any argument that the Lost Horizon music was, in itself, poor.

Futures definitely takes a little adjustment -- the vocals, Joshie Armstead's in particular (no, I don't think she did any solo records), are def. a little...intense. Kind of operatic in places -- which is funny, b/c you'd think he would've gone for that more on his quasi-opera Woman. But yeah, the melodies are extremely angular -- I agree it's def. for Burt fanatics, by and large, but still very rewarding.

Wow Idol !!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:00 pm
by Guest
I am amazed that a teen would even listen to say the "Woman" album. If it had been my first listen I am sure I would not have gotten it at all. There is a song on it that Burt did a lot in his concerts called "New York Lady" and even my daughter who was a teen at the time liked that one. I sort of think Burt had to flex some muscles in a whole different way and I love it because it's another side of a genius that one can never fully understand but it's great to get even a touch of it. My first was the "Reach Out" album and it blew me away. So as Blair says and I agree I just must have this music in it's purist form most of the time with Burt arranging and conducting. I like vocals and adore a concert with just backup singers. As for the "Futures" album it has a special place in my heart as well because he was promoting it in the 70's and I was so lucky to be in the audience of one of those performances. "No One Remembers My Name" is a favorite and as for Joshie, she is awesome and I have no idea what she has done in her career. I hope someone can tell us. i wish you all the best in's better than any drug when you are down or whatever. This man's music has kept this heart soaring for many years and I know it always will.
Love to you all.

Wow Idol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:08 pm
by alvina2758
I was the guest on the last post......sorry, but computer did a nose dive in the middle and I thought I was still logged in grrrrrrrrr. Ok calm down listen to a Burt song lol.

Re: Wow Idol !!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:30 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Alvina wrote:This man's music has kept this heart soaring for many years and I know it always will.
So well said and so true for me as well.

By the way, I love No One Remembers My Name, too. "Seconds" is another fantastic song that most people don't know. When it kicks in, it soars and there's nothing like it!

enormous bb fan wrote "Seconds" was a favorite.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:55 pm
by Alvina
I was racking my brain and could not remember that one because it is one of my favorites as well. I should have gotten out the LP And looked lol. Thanks for reminding me. Hope all is well with you.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:14 pm
by Guest
Listening and appreciating the "Woman" album takes some aquisition...
not an easy one to like on first few hearings...but I'm sure it wears well
after awhile (repeated playings)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:25 pm
by Guest
I wholeheatedly agree re Seconds, Futures version.
I have cousins who lile Burt a lot also. They prefer Us. I like Seconds better.

Futures & Woman

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:42 pm
by Marcel
These two projects are the real Burt in his way of music!
The arrangements are astonishing and very melodic, specially the hole entire project of Woman.
Compositions as Magdalena and Woman are real great and a treat to hear!
When you hear these songs for the first time then you really don`t know where he is gonna take you in this music adventure!
But once again the more you listen to this projects the more you will enjoy it!

Kind regards Marcel :lol: