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The Road to Midtown...

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:18 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
...from San Diego is long. I`m not sure (having not been in California for roughly forty years) that there`s even a single inter-state route.
I do know that "Some Lovers", regardless of preview notices, has a rough time ahead so I`m offering the following suggestions:
1. Record and release the cast album now. I know the tradition is that these things are done over the first weekend following the Broadway opening. Screw it, there`s no time to waste. Most people will never see this in performance anyway, regardless of reviews. Those who may will want to hear it before they shell out mega-bucks for tickets.
Get this album out now accompanied by full-page ads in the Times and other national media.
2. Remember when Ed Sullivan used to present musical numbers in full-dress from current Broadway hits? Neither do most potential ticket-buyers, so you`ll save money by just booking the singers to do a well-chosen song on Letterman and Leno. Make sure that they also show up for a lengthy NPR piece with a music link on the web site.
3. If all of the above fail, get Nikki Jean (no, damn it, I still don`t know her!) to record the entire score and up load it to YouTube.
You`re welcome.