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San Diego '99 Summer Concert - Looking for Camille

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 10:01 am
by hilde b.
I went to an unforgettable concert of Burt and Dionne in San Diego, I believe in the Summer of '99. After the concert, while eagerly waiting for Burt backstage, I met two sisters who lived in So. Cal., and I believe the younger of the two was Camille. We had instantly bonded over our love for Burt and his music, as well as the being one of the youngest guests there. We had exchanged emails and wrote for a while, but lost touch since that year and I misplaced her email address, having moved several cities/countries since then. I'd like to take another adventure to see Burt's concert in San Diego this year...and hopefully meet you again. I moved from Santa Monica last November to Dallas. The only thing I remember from Camille was her story about Carrie Fisher's daughter being friends with Burt's daughter or something like that...she's a light skinned African American...and is just as crazy for Burt like I am, screaming after Burt and Dionne, "I love you!!!" when they drove off in their limos. Anyway, this may be a long shot, but Camille (if this is the right name?), if you read'd be great to hear from you!