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Dionne Warwick Bio on TV One

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:13 pm
by BachtoBacharach
Dionne Warwick was recently featured on TV One's program "Life After". The program featured rare photos and interviews with several folks including Dionne herself and her son, Damon Elloitt. Of note though is that the infamous Guy Draper is featured as well; oh yes, he who was involved in Warwick's failed record label, her foundation scandal, and also the Obama ball fiasco as well as other business ventures with Warwick through the years. He was not involved in the making of "That's What Friends Are For" although he expounds upon it as though he was. In the video, he is identified and "friend and advisor"...hmmmmmm. She still depends on him apparently even after stating to Geraldo Rivera after the foundation story broke that had she "but known his record of failed business ventures and bankruptcies" she wouldn't have done business with know the story. Otherwise there is not much here you haven't heard before and this is generally a fluff piece on Warwick. There was no Burt interview, no celebrity interviews, just some "music industry types" expounding on Warwick.

Now what is interesting as well is that TV One is owned by Cathy Hughes who had a public spat with Warwick going back several got rather nasty between them. If you Google Dionne Warwick Cathy Hughes, details can be found regarding their disagreement over royalties paid to singers...I side with Warwick on that one!

The link is here: ... rwick.html

Re: Dionne Warwick Bio on TV One

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:45 am
by An Enormous BB Fan
Thank B2B, I really enjoyed watching that. I always get a kick hearing Dionne say how much she hated "Do You Know The Way To San Jose?" and couldn't believe that Hal would write the "wo wo's" as part of the lyric. She's told that story for years. Then she goes on to say that she won her first Grammy with that song. The whole point of her story is that she's saying "shows what I know." She was obviously very happy to have recorded it. I've always considered it to be one of her best songs and even one of the best pop songs ever. I was delighted to hear her son say that it may be his favorite DW song too!

"Dream Sweet Dreamer" has some "Bee Bye Oh's" in it. I wonder if Dionne balked at that, too. Another genius song from Burt and Hal.

Another thing I can't help noticing: None of her sons look anything like her, do they?

Re: Dionne Warwick Bio on TV One

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:43 am
by Nicko
Dionne on BBC 1 UK This Sunday (23rd Dec)
at 10am

She talks to Fern Britton for 1 hour about her life and career.