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The Music of Burt Bacharach in USA: "Sticky Music"?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:18 pm
by Djalma Junior
Hi, Friends!

Many years ago (1976) an American student (Mr. Lee Ernest Eversole) was doing an exchange at the College where I studied. I was 17 and I've loved the music of Burt Bacharach!
I couldn't contain my curiosity and asked Lee if he liked the music of Burt and his answer caused me a great disappointment:

- I don't like Burt Bacharach and your music in the United States are considered by a large part of the people of" Bubble Gum Music ": Sticky Music .. If you didn't know, now you know and I like the music of Glenn Miller, George Gershwin etc., because it is much better!

I know everyone has their preferences, but this assessment is true?

What do you think about it today?

Best regards,
Djalma Jr