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This Guy´s In Love With You

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:39 am
by danlindroos
Hi, guys and guyesses !

This song has haunted me ever since my youthood days.
The lyrics and the sentiment (mood) are exactly what
I felt some 55 years ago when I was lucky enough to meet
the girl of my dreams. I was 12 when I first met her and
I can recall falling madly in love with her although at that
time she was more interested in another guy older than me.
It took some 5 years before I was beginning to interest her.
That was when we had moved back close to her again after
having lived at another location in between !
She was destined to become my life´s companion for 42 years
and you can imagine how down I sunk when she died of
cancer 4 years ago. It has taken me this long to be able
to make music again, thanks to the worldwide network of
music friends I´ve got before and during my ordeal.
I know that everyone here digs Burt´s music (it has
affected my own writing too) and Hal´s superb
lyrics but I am not sure I should post any covers here any more
due to the risk of copyright infringement as I do not want
to become entangled in such disputes. In any case, now
you all know these lyrics and tunes have been an integral part of
my life as I am sure they have been for many of you too !:))

Sincerely yours

Re: This Guy´s In Love With You

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:59 am
by Djalma Junior
Dear Dani,

This arrangement was beautiful and it is to compensate for the end of its somewhat sad story although well lived 42 years with your beloved woman.

If my ears are not mistaken this arrangement is in F # Major and ends with the beautiful dissonant chord F # 7 +

Thanks for spreading!


Djalma Jr

Re: This Guy´s In Love With You

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:25 pm
by danlindroos
Hi, Djalma !:))

Thank you for your most kind comment !
Yes, I started with a GbMaj7 th and ended
with a Gbmaj9 th chord. Gb is naturally
the same as F# !:))


Re: This Guy´s In Love With You

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:06 pm
by steveo_1965
Thanks for posting your story, and your musical interpretation...
Best to you!

Re: This Guy´s In Love With You

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:50 pm
by danlindroos
Hi, Steveo !

Thank you so much for
your most kind words !:))
