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Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:05 am
by nowmedical
Has anyone read Elvis Costello's autobiography to see if there's anything about Burt in there? The book is being serialised on BBC Radio 4 at present.
I'm not a great fan of Elvis Costello so I won't be buying it.
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:08 am
by Blair N. Cummings
I don`t plan to read it either, rock bios not being high on my "to do" list, but this has received respectful reviews in the States. "Costello"`s collaboration with Burt is covered but I think we all know the story by now.
I`m more interested in hearing the demos of their second set of songs, apparently never to be officially recorded. All this talk about Broadway musical productions is just empty foolishness. No one is going to bankroll a Painted From Memory show, nor will this new misbegotten venture with Sater ever see its title in lights in Manhattan.
I don`t know how someone as business-savvy as Burt can continue fooling himself.
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:47 pm
by nymusicalsguy
There's a great deal about Burt in Elvis' book, nowmedical. In fact, he's one of the book's recurring figures. It's a compelling, thoughtful, refreshingly candid and beautifully-written read, and Elvis' admiration and reverence for his friend Burt - as well as the art of songwriting as personified by Burt and Hal - comes through loud and clear. I had the pleasure of briefly speaking with Elvis last month, and he was enthusiastic about PAINTED FROM MEMORY, both the album and the upcoming musical. If you're a fan of both Burt and Elvis, I can't imagine your being disappointed in the book.
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:29 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
Joe, I seem destined to be eternally offending you and I don`t mean to do that.
The fact is that my first musical experiences were the cast show albums of the classic Broadway musicals and the songs therein determined my idea of what a "song" really is. (To this day, despite the fact that I`m not a fan, I would posit Streisand`s version of "When Sunny Gets Blue" as a classic example of American popular music).
I just don`t believe Broadway is going to see Painted From Memory. much less likely New York Animals.
Let`s have these new songs available on this site or streamed on Spotify or wherever.
No one young and rich enough to still live in Manhattan has any idea who Bacharach is.
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:01 pm
by nymusicalsguy
No offense taken, Blair.
You and I have a very different view about the viability of Burt's current theatre work, and I don't think either of our views will soon change. I'm just thrilled that he's continuing to write today, and that it is as creatively rewarding for him as it appears to be. Hopefully we can both agree that his new music deserves the wider platforms of which you speak and the opportunity to reach a broader audience. Here's hoping. I don't think anybody here disagrees that his new work deserves to be heard on CD, etc. In the meantime, I may well be alone in this, but I'm grateful that Burt is still writing, even for a small audience in a tiny theatre in NYC. He doesn't "owe" us anything at this point...and the fact remains that he's writing and we may hear these songs at some point. Why begrudge him that? I understand your frustration, but I'd rather remain optimistic. We can agree to disagree, but I'm always happy to read your contributions here (and reply when possible). You clearly have exquisite taste in music!
All my best as always!
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:11 pm
by Blair N. Cummings
Joe, on the strength of your recommendation, I have reserved a copy of "Costello"`s memoir at my library in exile.
This still isn`t my favorite kind of reading but I loved John Cale`s What`s Welsh For Zen? which I reciprocally recommend.
Re: Elvis Costello's book
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:56 pm
by nowmedical
And I too have bought it from Amazon. Thanks Joe.