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Newsnight Interview - Transcription

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:07 pm
by Andrew
Firstly, thanks to JohnFoyle for the heads up! What a fantastic interview and wonderful words from Mr Bacharach ('call me Burt'!)
I have transcribed a small part of the interview below:

Interviewer - "At Bacharach's age, 78, you might expect him to be consulting a doctor, but in his case it's Dr Dre, Eminem's right hand man. (Shows BB in studio with Dr Dre & Orchestra) For his new CD, the veteran tunesmith has also turned unexpectedly political, with a song called 'Who Are These People?', featuring Elvis Costello."

(Back to Burt) BB - "You know, I don't like this administration in our country, it's an odd juxtaposition there, a man's written love songs all his life you know, and gets into his seventies and he's finding it's a very tough world, and getting worse by the minute. And what's happening in the South of our country is just horrible, you know?"

Interviewer - "He is Dionne Warwick's favourite composer (Shows Burt recording with Dionne), was in Austin Powers and may well have been the model for him." (Shows Burt saying to Dionne, 'You've still got these great legs baby!')

Interviewer - "Burt Bacharach's effortless melodies belie all the sweat and graft that went into them. (Shows Burt hugging Dionne and saying, ' You can sing any time you want, baby'.)

We were treated to a couple of snippets of the new cd tracks playing in the background of the interview - all I can say is I can't wait!
