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Thank you Burt
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:35 pm
by YA
Thank you for taking a stand. There is so much mindless groupthink in this country. I will definitely buy the album. And don't let them tell you it "helps the terrorists". These are mental dwarves who see the world in black and white: them versus us, either you sing what we tell you to sing, or you're helping the terrorists, "we" got attacked by muslims terrorists, so "we" need to retaliate by attacking other muslims, anyone will do, especially if they have oil and they don't want to give it to us nice and easy.
Thank you for your courage.
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:43 pm
by Guest
My dear Burt,
Thank you for the wonderfull gift you gave all of us with AT THIS TIME.
It's just superb, I'm most greatfull for expressing your feelings and points of views so directly and candidly.
I know you have been in Milan, italy for a press meeting about AT THIS TIME. I sincerely hope it will give you the opportunity for an other italian tour,with a special stop in Rome,at the Auditorium,as you did in the summer of 2004.Looking forward to it soon.
Thank you again
Mario Serra,Rome.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 1:11 pm
by gabba
DITTO!!..i feel so overwhelmed for what you did..glad you put it on Sally Stevens,Warren Luening(old friends are always the best!) to enrich the atmosphere that transpires in the album.Remember you have a lot of friends..i admire you so much..all the best to you and your family..GABBA