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mark, that's enough
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:46 am
by Guest
i know that you are trying to be fair, i know that you don't like to edit the content here but you have fulfilled your duty to air both sides. this site is yours.... please reclaim it for burt's loyal fans...even tho the new album is political and i'm sure burt wanted to spark thoughtful debate, that's enough....let's wait till next week and debate the musicality of the new album. heck , let's debate the merits of the blue sweater again. please no more right wing venom.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:02 am
by gabba
yes have to mantain the real purpose of this site..everyone has his own opinion but this is not the place for people who wants to try to have arguments forcely..i'm really losing my joy to participate in something PLEASE
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:14 am
by Guest
It's good to see Mark finally came to his senses and decided to edit some of the more hateful/disgusting postings here. The fans of A Hosue Is Not A Homepage spoke. The "master" listened. Good show Mark.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:18 am
by Andrew
Let's get back to the man and the music now, leaving our own personal political opinions for websites that deal with that subject. Burt has made statements and his views are clear - isn't that what democracy is about?
We all know there's more to Burt than his recent comments and there's no point in going round and round in circles either agreeing or disagreeing with what he's done - there wont be a conclusion reached. He's has always been and always will be, my musical hero and I for one want to get back to enjoying reading posts from real fans of Burts.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:51 am
by mark
The "master" only has Internet access for a couple of hours a day (we still don't have gas service and high-speed Internet access is still weeks away), so it may take 24 hours or more for me to remove an inappropriate posting. When threads get long--4 pages or more--it's difficult for me to keep up with every singly posting. Feel free to email me if you think a particular post is in violation of board policy.
And just to reiterate my policy, I'm only going to delete messages that are excessively rude, clearly inflamatory, that contain profanity or that are unrelated to the topic of Burt Bacharach. Political debates are acceptable if they're rooted in Bacharach, for example a discussion of his comments in an interview or the lyrics of his new CD. I've removed several threads that were started as a political diatribe with no reference to Bacharach. I've tried to leave in threads that were started by fans--or non-fans--reacting to Burt's comments.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:36 am
by Guest
It can be a good thing to buckle under pressure.