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Another review-ATT

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:55 pm
by Guest
Burt Bacharach: At This Time (Sony)

23 October 2005 Reviewed by Jonathan O'Brien

It would have been easy for Burt Bacharach, arguably the greatest melodicist of the 20th century, to settle into gentle retirement in his eighth decade. Yet he shows no sign of easing off creatively: Painted From Memory, his last effort, was an intermittently great record, spoiled only by Elvis Costello's croaky vocals.

At This Time is similarly fine. Jazzy and smooth in its textures, it summons to mind Donald Fagen at his most chilled, or Harry Connick were he actually any good. Costello turns up again on the brilliant orchestral pop of Who Are These People, his thin voice sounding heavily filtered so as to do the least amount of damage. Happily, Rufus Wainwright does a much better job on the limpid, languid Go Ask Shakespeare.

Every track is drenched in dappled strings and tinkling piano, while Bacharach layers the melodies on with a trowel: the entire listening experience is like sitting in the plushest hotel bar in the world, very late at night.