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Burt in Vegas Nov.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:36 pm
by Alvina
Hi all,
I am going to be in Vegas Nov. !0th through the 16th. I have booked two shows to see Burt on the 11th and the 13th. I am hoping some of you fans might be there as well because that is just icing on the cake to meet you guys. I will be on the front row, I think a bit to the left of the stage....not real sure. I am working on backstage passes but I know that is iffy ......but one has to try, right? Let me know if anyone is going and we can talk before if you like. We are staying at the Bellagio and feel free to call.
Best wishes,
Alvina Hackney


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:45 pm
by Toms
Hi, lucky you two shows in one weekend. I will be in Vegas a week later and will miss the shows. Looks like Burt has been on a regular schedule at the Orleans Casino in Vegas, for the past couple years. I see Dionne is already scheduled twice for two weekends in 2006. Hope Burt will continue his schedule there for 2006. Great place to see him perform when your on a 3 day mini vacation. Hope you get your backstage pass.
Let us know if he performs anything new from the new CD.

Tom in the Motor City.

keeping you posted

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:33 pm
by Alvina
I'll be sure and report to you all as best as I
can remember lol. Vincent always does the best job at that but cross your fingers for me in my efforts at getting backstage. I planned this trip around Burt's show so i am very excited. Too bad you can't come a week earlier. Take care, Alvina

Reply: Alvina

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:28 am
by vincent.cole
:D Bonjour Alvina;

You are not going to get off that easy! I want you to go to the concert as, Lois Lane. Make sure you have camera and pen handy! We want you to bring back the scoop for all of us on the forum! Now you have 2 days to pull this off. Don’t come back home with out this (lol)! Well in any event enjoy the concert, as I know you will!

Take care, mon ami. 8)



Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:02 pm
by Alvina
You are my nemesis but gotta love ya. I will try my bestest just for you. Wish you were gonna be there........we would be unstoppable lol.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:37 pm
by Guest
oh alvina , you lucky girl! if it can't be me i'm glad it's you...and i have every confidence you will get backstage. any chance you could come to raleigh? i'll be there......crazy for burt

Crazy For Burt

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:27 am
by Alvina
OH, thanks so much for the kind thoughts. I sure wish you were going to be there so we could finally meet. Take care.

crazy for Burt

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:17 pm
by guest alvina
Hey there, i just got rejected for backstage am i am sad ...........Vincent says you always get backstage. I think i am a very good fan and it hurts a lot that I can't go back and say hello. Is there some different dynamic at a casino? I have never even tried to go backstage except in San Diego. Should I feel dissed or just let it go? I appreciate your opinion. U can email me at alvina if u like. Thanks

crazy for Burt

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:18 pm
by guest alvina
Hey there, i just got rejected for backstage am i am sad ...........Vincent says you always get backstage. I think i am a very good fan and it hurts a lot that I can't go back and say hello. Is there some different dynamic at a casino? I have never even tried to go backstage except in San Diego. Should I feel dissed or just let it go? I appreciate your opinion. U can email me at alvina if u like. Thanks

Burt in Vegas

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:25 am
by heartlight
I, too, have tickets for Burt's show on the 11th.
Alvina, you say you were rejected for going backstage....whom did you contact to request this ?
Can anyone give us some advice as to how we might be able to see Burt after the show ??


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:39 am
by alvina guest
Hi, I contacted Allison with Burt's pr agencywith Linda Dorentz i think it is spelled, listed on this website. She indicated that Burt had been in Europe and she would ask him on his return so it feels like he had the control........this won't change my love for the man and his music but yes I am disappointed. Did I ask the wrong person? I have no idea but I did try. Let me know if you learn something different. If you are going to be there let me know where you are seated and perhaps we can say hello.

Burt in Vegas

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:59 am
by heartlight
Hi Alvina,
I'll send you an e-mail in a few days.
I find it hard to believe that BUrt himself would have refused. He seems to be rather accessible and one of the posts indicate that also.

So maybe someone who has had better luck can advise us how to proceed ... Thanks for any help !!!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:26 pm
by Guest
I figured "the way to go" was to stay around and try to say hi when he's leaving (assuming he expects to greet some people at that point). Maybe looking for passes makes it seem rather formal. Is it possible that Burt wouldn't remember your name and figured it was safer to meet only those who settled for something less formal? (I think it would be rather messy for Burt if all AHINAHP fans who attended his concerts tried to get passes -- but I really am not familiar with how this works and everything I know about you from years of visiting this site is that you are a classy lady that anyone would wish to have as a fan, so I doubt very much that he would not want to meet you.)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:07 am
by Ron
As a Burt Bacharach / Dionne Warwick admirerer for more than 40 years and also the cousin of a well known Hollywood movie actor - perhaps I can shed some light on this subject of meeting people who are for lack of a better term -"celebrities". I would agree with the Guest who suggested the "informal approach". Several years ago a relative of mine who worked for Universal Pictures insisted on arranging for a backstage pass for me and my wife to meet Ben Vereen when he learned we would be attending his show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. At least 50 others had passes as well. While Ben was most gracious - he was extremely tired after his performance and needed some time for himself. While eating in restaurants with my cousin he is often approached by well wishers and autograph seekers. He too is gracious with his fans but finds himself eating "cold food" and apologizing to us for all the interruptions. He finally got to a point where we only met at restaurants where the personnel could assure some level of privacy.

I tend toward believing in the concept of "good karma". I had the pleasure of informally meeting Burt on the beach in Del Mar back in the 80's when he lived here. A few years later I contacted Burt's manager when I was unable to secure tickets for a "sold out" concert he and Carol Bayer Sager were doing to promote her "Sometimes Late At Night" album. Burt invited us to be "his guests" that night and we had great seats. "Good karma" surfaced once again when my brother, who is a convention events manager, hosted Dionne Warwick when she performed in San Diego. He informed her that his brother Ron was one her biggest fans. Before Dionne's opening act began his part of the show that evening my brother approached me as I sat in the audience and said "come with me - Dionne wants to meet you!" Bottom Line - Dionne and I spent an hour together in her dressing room (just the two of us) talking like we were old friends. Also met her son David Elliott that evening. As fate would have it - we met again at the baggage claim area at Newark Airport in New Jersey. She was travelling with her sister Dee Dee so I had a chance to meet her too. We had flown in on the same flight from California!

Although I would enjoy seeing Burt once again immediately following one of his concerts - I think I'll just rely on the "good karma" that I have previously experienced and hope for a encore!

Good Karma

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:34 am
by Alvina
Thanks so much for the sage advise. I have waited outside in all kinds of weather over the years just to say hello. However last year I contacted the ladies at the San Diego Symphony and they were so gracious in getting me and my husband on the list. There were lots of us there just milling about and fans catching up and meeting until Burt wandered over and we had a few sweet minutes with him and the kids, who I can't say enough good things about. They were so well mannered and beautiful as well. All In all it was a great evening and I will cherish it forever. If I never get that chance again I have no complaints. You're right though, things that are meant to be will not need to be forced. Hope to meet someday, you sound like a great person and very wise. I also met Mark from this site and that was so sweet and he the sweetest guy you will ever know.
Take care,