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Boston Burt Bacharach fix

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:24 am
by JamieO
For all those New England Burt fans who'd love to hear some of his music live and were disappointed that the new CD release hasn't gotten us any area performances, we do have something most other fans don't - a performance of Burt's "Promises, Promises" down at the Boston Center for the Arts.

The show isn't done nearly enough so this could be one of our few chances to see it. The album won Burt a Grammy and the script is really fun. (Those of you who don't know about the show can check it out at and

There's information about tickets and etc for the Boston production at It's also a great holiday show - the scene of the company's "Turkey Lurkey Christmas" party will help you get through your own year end, drunken coworker event!