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Ok You lot, how was the Vegas show?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:30 pm
by someonenameddavid
Those of you, at least two of you out there who contribute regularly, saw the show in Las Vegas.... reports required, double spaced MLA format, on my desk by Friday :o

regards, David

Burt in Vegas

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:18 am
by heartlight
Well, I am one of the "lot" who saw Burt Bacharach in Vegas.
In addition to the thrill of attending the concert, I had the added pleasure of meeting the very charming Alvina, a regular poster to this site. In fact, I was waiting for her "report".
But since you asked , David.............
I can't see how a fan could have been anything but enthralled
at seeing BB on stage and feeling his energy. His musicians and singers never disappoint and the Orleans was a great venue lending intimacy because of its size. The repertoire consisted of " classic" Burt Bacharach and , happily , he introduced 3 numbers from ATT. Having purchased the CD, I was familiar with the pieces already but it was thrilling hearing them live for the first time. Burt was almost apologetic when he interrupted the "old stuff" , as he put it, to continue the program with the new material. It was well accepted with overwhelming applause. After "Who are these People", Burt quipped " Well, I don't think I'll be invited to the White House anytime soon!". The evening ended with an encore, the house lights going up and the audience singing " Raindrops KFOMH" and Burt shaking MANY hands before leaving the stage. That smile and boyish charm still disarming.
So, in one word....heavenly !!

Ok David

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:32 am
by guest alvina
David, I almost feel as if you are a Vincent clone. I say that in all the love I possibly can lol, but he can be a bit demanding. JK Vincent, it's all in great fun.
Congratulations "Heartlight" on your wonderful post and there isn't a lot to add to that except to say up close Burt looks and seems very healthy and stronger than last I saw him. He always looks marvelous on stage but I just sometimes feel he might work a bit harder than he should. Who knows....."Go Ask Shakespeare".
Josie, John and Donna were awesome as always.
All in all it was a whole lot like other shows we have seen except Burt was in great lighthearted form and just a joy.
I did manage a few pictures thanks to Heartlights friend so I will try to post as soon as possible. We just arrived home late last night and will need a little recovery period lol.

P.S. Meeting Heartlight was the best. She and her friend are both class acts and I will treasure their friendship.

Eliza James

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:51 am
by Alvina
I just read my email from David and as it turns out the gorgeous 20 something blonde playing violin is his daughter and she was wonderful. Burt introduced her and said it was her first tour with them but he felt not the last. I always miss the sound of the effect of many violins in a full orchestra, however she made one sound like much more and is so beautiful she could be a mermaid which actually came to mind looking at her. If she made any mistakes i don't think anyone but perhaps the other musicians detected it.
I forgot to mention also that we met Tonio K. who co wrote with Burt on the new ATT album. He was very nice and quite nice looking as well.