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Burt in Variety's Gorgeous 100

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:54 pm
by Steve S
I just clicked on an ad I found online while surfing the various news pages. It was for Variety's "Gorgeous 100" - their top picks in three categories: gorgeous iconic cinema, gorgeous film music, and gorgeous fashion award winners. I clicked on film music, and found they had picked Burt and Hal's "Butch Cassidy" score as #21 in the top 100. Not bad! I had hoped to see Casino Royale in there too, but no luck. Of course, you can't view the top 10 without either subscribing to something or filling out some questionaire. Anyway, thought I'd share the piece of info. Steve

Re: Burt in Variety's Gorgeous 100

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:30 am
by guest-
Steve S wrote:I just clicked on an ad I found online while surfing the various news pages. It was for Variety's "Gorgeous 100" - their top picks in three categories: gorgeous iconic cinema, gorgeous film music, and gorgeous fashion award winners. I clicked on film music, and found they had picked Burt and Hal's "Butch Cassidy" score as #21 in the top 100. Not bad! I had hoped to see Casino Royale in there too, but no luck. Of course, you can't view the top 10 without either subscribing to something or filling out some questionaire. Anyway, thought I'd share the piece of info. Steve
Thanks for sharing, Steve. But they overlooked THE BLOB ???
Just kidding...Variety must have forgotten the 4th category in which Burt placed high: "Just Plain Gorgeous " !

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:56 am
by Guest
BC&SK is too sophisticated to rank higher than that.