beautiful song for a cold day

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Steve Schenck
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Re: beautiful song for a cold day

Post by Steve Schenck »

Likewise, the whistler on "Who Gets the Guy?" another very under-rated and under-played song, I think.

Blair N. Cummings
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Re: beautiful song for a cold day

Post by Blair N. Cummings »

"Who Gets the Guy" and "Odds and Ends" are two of my favorites, although I`m not sure that the whistling was required. It was quite a trope in the latter `50s and early `60s, though, for some reason and was also featured prominently in "Magic Moments" and "Only Love Can Break a Heart". (Does that exhaust the Bacharach whistle discography)?
Irrelevantly, I just got back from my first return to New York in several months. I saw the newly re-opened Islamic galleries at the Met, walked a lot through my old stomping grounds, and left just as the snow began to fall this morning. I`m exhausted but still miss living in the now (for me) utterly unaffordable city. They were the best times of my life.
Steve Schenck
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Re: beautiful song for a cold day

Post by Steve Schenck »

Blair, glad you got a visit in. It's a great time of year to be in the city. You are right, though, about its unaffordability. I live in a suburb about 45 minutes by train from Manhattan. I love to go in just to walk, maybe catch a movie. But generally, rents, restaurants, cabs - it would suck me dry in the blink of an eye. Still, I'm happy that I'm close enough to enjoy those good things that don't cost more than the train ride in! steve
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Re: beautiful song for a cold day

Post by grooverider »

Dionne Warwick and Issac Hayes in a medley: "By the Time I Get To Phoenix/I Say A Little Prayer", at a slower tempo.
I'm assuming this came out later than the Glen Campbell & Anne Murray version??

Blair N. Cummings
Posts: 1138
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Re: beautiful song for a cold day

Post by Blair N. Cummings »

This had to have been just a few years later. I`m guessing `73 or `74 but those are just guesses. The Campbell/Murray version was released in (I believe ) `71 when Dionne was still with Burt and Hal.
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