Ran accross an old "music survey" today from a southern california record chain store - "Wallichs Music City" owned by Glenn Wallichs (Capitol Records co-founder) brother Clyde. It was extremely popular in the 50's and 60's here in the Los Angles Area. They had 7 stores, which included a big main one at Sunset and Vine St. in Hollywood where many big stars used to go...
This survey shows Burt's Album "Make It Easy On Yourself" A&M SP 4188 debuting at no. 37 for the week ending on 2/15/70.
Also, on the singles list, another of Burt's songs just starting to slip from no . 1 to no. 2 on the same date. The 45 of "Raindrops" by BJ Thomas on Scepter 12265 being replaced by "Bridge Over Troubled Water" (Simon and Garfunkle)
Ahh, the trivia....
Wallich's Music City-Blast from the Past
Moderator: mark
- Posts: 1193
- Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:14 pm
Those were the days when the top songs were absolutely great and when song writers actually could create music that stirred you inside and even uplifted you. You wouldn't believe the garbage that passes for music these days. They throw the most boring combination of notes and chords together and think it's wonderful. Some of the music I hear on the radio, Burt wouldn't wipe his you know what with! I can only imagine what Burt is thinking when he hears some of these "groups" and their "songs".