Sheet Music / Conductor's Scores

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Sheet Music / Conductor's Scores

Post by NoahW »

Hello fellow Bacharach enthusiasts,

I just spent the last couple of hours figuring out the basslines to "Futures," "Riverboat," and "New York Lady." And I was wondering if there is any way to acquire the scores (piano, strings, brass, woodwinds, etc) for Bacharach's music, especially from the albums "Woman" and "Futures."

I think it would be great to get a relatively small group of musicians together (string quartet, sax, trumpet, trombone, rhythm section, vocalist!) to play some of these songs live, and give credit to one of the most remarkable composers of our time.

I think that "Woman" is an especially masterful album, and was unfortunately overlooked because it doesn't fall conveniently into any singular genre. It is certainly not "easy listening," it is WAY too funky to be considered classical, there is not enough improv. to be considered full on Jazz and, the songs with words are a little too sophisticated for most pop stations... "Woman" was an incredible musical statement by a man who is clearly a genius (duh).

Maybe I'm a little optimistic to think that I could get my paws on some of Mr. Bacharach's scores, but hey, it's worth a shot. Any replies would help!!! Even if you just want to discuss the greatness of "Woman" and the instrumental tracks off of "Futures." (unfortunately, most of the vocalists on Futures ruined that album for me)



Post by NoahW »

Nobody has anything to say about this??? Sad.. :cry:

Post by ron »


I share your enthusiasm for the Woman album; however, I'm not in a position to discuss it from a knowledgable standpoint as you are able to do. You may wish to contact Burt's agent/manager through his booking agency for starters re; the scores you refer to.

Post by Guest »

Not a chance in scores are stored and used
only for Burt's performances and for his library.
The best thing you can do is study the record, get published
sheet music piano-vocal copies-study Burt's syncopation.
Maybe get the published conductor score reduction to Promises
Study the style and do a "record copy" pulling it off by ear,
or get someone who can do record copy takedowns for ya.
Someday, (regrettably) the great Burt will go to the orchestra in
the sky, and then maybe his heirs will donate the charts to a
university...but we want to keep Burt around as long as possible!!


Post by Guest »

Hey Ron and Guest,
Thanks for the replies. I posted and then forgot to check back on the board. Anyway, I'll do my best to transcribe the tunes by myself.

Ron, glad someone shares my enthusiasm for "Woman"

burt scores

Post by swrigley »

I had to do that very thing, when, a few years ago, I decided it was time to perform some of Burt's great songs live. It started off as a severe ear-bending transcription session, and then, as I became more aware of the the instrumentation I'd be using, more of an orchestration gig, but I got down about thirty charts which I'm pretty happy with, and are faithful if not entirely authentic (you know how much a harpist costs round here?!). I ended up with five singers, a dozen strings, six brass/wind, three percussion and six rhythm section. Elaborate, expensive and unwieldy, of course, but immensely good fun, and I really enjoyed the transcription process, too. So get listening, it can be done!
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