We Seem to Have Come to Another Halt Here

The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

Moderator: mark

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Blair N. Cummings
Posts: 1126
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:14 pm

We Seem to Have Come to Another Halt Here

Post by Blair N. Cummings »

It`s a little like being on the 6 train when it`s forced to stop between stations.
Hey, Ron! Hey, geoeff85! Where are you?
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Re: We Seem to Have Come to Another Halt Here

Post by mark »

I realize it's partly (mostly?) my fault for failing to run a tighter discussion forum, but I wonder sometimes what happened to some of the old regulars. Who here remembers Maggie? Westgate? Warbachavid? BCelarent? David Lincoln Brooks? Gil or whatever his name was? Although things sometimes went a little further than they should have, I'm amazed when I remember just how passionate and engaged some people used to be.

One of my biggest regrets as a webmaster is failing to figure out a way to archive the original version of this discussion forum, which was insanely active and had some incredible contributors.

If you've got some time to waste this afternoon, go to https://web.archive.org/web/20010515000 ... 23541.html Click around on some of the dates and you get a snapshot of the discussion forum at various points. As I mentioned, the content of the posts is unfortunately not available, but you can view the topics and the names of posters.

(If you've got even more time to waste, try clicking https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://st ... arach.html for archived versions of the website going back to 1997.)

(By the way, I just updated this forum to phpBB 3.1. Hopefully nobody will have any problems with it and hopefully the new version will help keep to a minimum the kitchen renovation spammers, who apparently think "A House is Not a Homepage" means this is a home improvement website).
Blair N. Cummings
Posts: 1126
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:14 pm

Re: We Seem to Have Come to Another Halt Here

Post by Blair N. Cummings »

Hey, this is still as crowded as a 6 train compared to the Jimmy Webb discussion board. You should see how pathetically abandoned it has become.
In each case, it may be primarily a function of time. At least two generations have come of age since these composers were household names. These people know and care nothing about them (with the exception of the missing geoff85). The rest of us - the old-timers - have probably said all we had to say long ago. Neither Burt nor Jimmy is as productive now as in his prime. (Who among us is?) So the lack of new material and the exhaustion of old topics probably has as much - or more - to do with the flagging interest than anything else.
ron hertel
Posts: 482
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:08 pm

Re: We Seem to Have Come to Another Halt Here

Post by ron hertel »

Blair, Mark & fellow BB admirers and posters:

Still check out the site on a fairly regular basis and draft responses and even think up fresh topics that will hopefully generate some interest: however, once I start typing I tend to lose my focus, start rambling and then - hit the "delete key". ... Don't think this is an age related problem - I just find so many of the topics to be so interrelated and overlapping. Thanks to all who contribute and hopefully this post will generate an increased level of thoughtful discussion. ....... A big THANK YOU to you MARK for continuing to host this website!

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