connie sings burt bacharach...

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connie sings burt bacharach...

Post by Helcio »

Hi BB fans,
I'm glad to find out that Connie Francis's 1968 LP "...sings Burt Bacharach" is now available on CD (Japanese reissue). Up until now all I had from this album was "Make It Easy On Yourself", recorded in a kind of bossa nova beat and produced by someone I really admire, Claus Ogerman ( I believe he produced this whole project).
And also, Dionne Warwick's "Dionne" '72 and "Just Being Myself" will be available through regular CD stores, on Oct. 4 (I got this information from ICE magazine and CD Universe).
Bye for now
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Reply: Helcio

Post by vincent.cole »

Bonjour Helcio;

How ironic, that Connie Francis in the early years of Burt Bacharach & Hal David, put them down! Then years later she records Burt and Hal Song’s!

I have seen the CD cover, but I have no intentions of buying it. Also I wonder how many copies have been sold?
Take care;

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Re Connie sings Bacharach

Post by pljms »

When an album of Bacharach material is reissued by an artist of the stature of Connie Francis you have to be interested, despite her alleged snub of the great man early in his career. I've heard a couple of the tracks on the radio over the years and I have to say she does a good job and they're both nicely arranged. A CD I'll definitely be investing in.

Connie Francis

Post by Guest »

oh, hell. shes appologized publicy for that a hundred times, and Burt uses it as banter for his monologue on concert tour...she is an excellent singer
who made a mistake cause the style was so different. no reason to crucify her.
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Post by vincent.cole »

My intentions were not to burn Connie at the stake! I am not sitting in judgment of her. No one has that right! It was just to make a point.

As the saying goes; ‘different strokes for different folks’, with regards to her singing.
Take care;

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