Bacharach's Pro Terrorist Song - Blood on his hands
Moderator: mark
Bacharach's Pro Terrorist Song - Blood on his hands
This vile SOB decides to placate the terrorists with a so-called 'anti-war' song when in reality it displays again the naivety and ignorance of those who somehow believe if we just leave the terrorists alone everything will be all right. BS! For Bacharach's information pacifying these scum is taken as weakness and they love that as they don't care if you support them or hate them they still consider you an enemy and would just as soon kill you. You can bury your head in the sand all you want but it won't save your head from the reality of terrorism. The actions in Iraq are like fly paper to these lowlifes and it's far better to kill them there, than in our own backyard which is exactly where they would go if we followed the lunacy of Bacharach's ilk by bringing the troops home.
No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial. They probably ended up in Syria or in a Bacharach warehouse.
No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial. They probably ended up in Syria or in a Bacharach warehouse.
senile burt
He wants the terrorists to win. Why can't these rich Hollywood types and artists keep their mouths shut and quit providing aid and comfort for the enemy?
More and more I agree with the statement that liberalism is a mental disorder!!!
More and more I agree with the statement that liberalism is a mental disorder!!!
This is a typical celebrity attempt to invigorate a floundering career. Or, in Burt's case, a long-dead one. Who the hell is going to validate anyone who's known for writing tender love songs, but is on their fourth marriage?
It's one thing to dismiss this as a younger person just being ignorant to the issues. It's another thing to have to bother with this antique and his borrowed opinions. I'd worry more about a tired septogenarian with probable Alzheimer's getting behind the wheel of his SUV and forgetting that the speed limit isn't 70 mph through a parking lot.
It's one thing to dismiss this as a younger person just being ignorant to the issues. It's another thing to have to bother with this antique and his borrowed opinions. I'd worry more about a tired septogenarian with probable Alzheimer's getting behind the wheel of his SUV and forgetting that the speed limit isn't 70 mph through a parking lot.
Burt Misses the Limelight
It is obvious that Burt Bacharach wrote his anti-US songs in order to gain favor with the Holloywood types. In order to get accolades and awards, you must toe the company line. By doing this, Burt is now going to be the toast of Hollywood. It is sad to see when former celebrities like this stoop to such levels in order to get attention and feel good about themselves again. Burt seems like a smart fellow; he should know that what he has written and said are utter nonsense. But sociopaths will say or do anything for attention and praise.
Although I feel sorry for him, Burt is still a big boy, and he must take responsibility for his actions, even if they are rooted in psychological weakness. He has lost a fan in me.
Although I feel sorry for him, Burt is still a big boy, and he must take responsibility for his actions, even if they are rooted in psychological weakness. He has lost a fan in me.
You know what cracks me up? The number of knee-jerk reactions to this album before anybody's even heard it. You want to complain about the album? Can you at least wait until you've listened to it?!? The same conservatives who decry the media for "spin" on the current administration apparently trust the media wholeheartedly in its comments on a CD that hasn't even been released! I look forward to everybody's comments -- conservative, liberal, or just a music-lover -- once they've actually HEARD the CD in question. Until then, everybody's just commenting blindly...I have a feeling that the songs on AT THIS TIME will be much more tame, lyrically, than all this fuss would lead one to believe. A few days and we'll all see.
Burt Bacharach, a great American
While the freepers here continue to vent their fascist rage, the American people have woken up to the lies and criminal fraud of the Bush Administration. As one after another the criminals are perp walked for their treasonous outing of a CIA officer, their lies and war mongering and their wholesale destruction of our economy, more and more people are seeing this cabal for what it is: a criminal enterprise.
There were no WMD's. There was no connection to terrorism. There was only profits for Halliburton and plunder to be had. Now that almost 2000 American soldiers are dead, all we have to show for it is a ruined economy and a world that despises us and no longer wants to buy our products.
Thanks Burt, for speaking out. Most Americans are behind you and against the Bush criminal family. Let the blowhard fascists rage. Their time will come and even they will soon realize that they have been had. Their jobs, their homes and their families will suffer and their cheerleading of the criminals will get them nothing but shame.
There were no WMD's. There was no connection to terrorism. There was only profits for Halliburton and plunder to be had. Now that almost 2000 American soldiers are dead, all we have to show for it is a ruined economy and a world that despises us and no longer wants to buy our products.
Thanks Burt, for speaking out. Most Americans are behind you and against the Bush criminal family. Let the blowhard fascists rage. Their time will come and even they will soon realize that they have been had. Their jobs, their homes and their families will suffer and their cheerleading of the criminals will get them nothing but shame.
it's music, moron
Jesus Christ! A lot of people have confused this for the Tom Delay fanclub. Take your nonsense back to freerepublic and leave the rest of us alone.
Who needs to "invigorate their career" at 77?Makanofuji wrote:This is a typical celebrity attempt to invigorate a floundering career.
Especially someone who has had such a successful career, still collects royalties and can easily rest on their laurels.
Burt says he wrote this album for his children, and that's good enough for me.
I wonder which fascist radio show brought all the freaks out.
I have not heard the Bucharach album, and do not intend to as I am no fan, but I will support his freedom to say what he believes.
it is interesting that those who shout the loudest about the nobility of war are usually not those who have personal investment in it, like family or selves.
Interesting that many of those who support the war are still arguing with the same old unsubstantiated and erroneous claims of WoMD, terrorist ties and 9/11. Fighting terrorism is also cited, but the origins of terrorism is not understood. Killing people creates hatred, whether in war or as a result of a police action, and those that hate become terrorists, or terrorist sympathisers.
Also fighting terrorists in a country that was devoid of them until the Coalition invaded is also illogical, as the rise of terrorism would then be purely from results of the invasion and not from the original source of terrorism.
it is interesting that those who shout the loudest about the nobility of war are usually not those who have personal investment in it, like family or selves.
Interesting that many of those who support the war are still arguing with the same old unsubstantiated and erroneous claims of WoMD, terrorist ties and 9/11. Fighting terrorism is also cited, but the origins of terrorism is not understood. Killing people creates hatred, whether in war or as a result of a police action, and those that hate become terrorists, or terrorist sympathisers.
Also fighting terrorists in a country that was devoid of them until the Coalition invaded is also illogical, as the rise of terrorism would then be purely from results of the invasion and not from the original source of terrorism.