Bacharach's Pro Terrorist Song - Blood on his hands
Moderator: mark
sometimes people ask "how could hitler have done what he did? how did all those people go along with it?" well, glancing over this forum, you have your evidence. it's not hard when you have a nation full of brainwashed ignorant fucks who haven't a clue what's going on in the world. you mindless automatons sit down on the couch and watch the nightly news thinking you have one fucking clue what's going on, thinking you're informed because you read your local assrag of a newspaper.
i'm ashamed of my country. scratch that. not ashamed of my country, but ashamed of how many ignorant simpleton fucks populate it. it scares me that you crass dingbats vote.
if every one of you dumbass fucks was in the WTC on 9/11, this country would be much better off and we'd be thanking the terrorists instead of declaring war on them. i know i would be.
i'm ashamed of my country. scratch that. not ashamed of my country, but ashamed of how many ignorant simpleton fucks populate it. it scares me that you crass dingbats vote.
if every one of you dumbass fucks was in the WTC on 9/11, this country would be much better off and we'd be thanking the terrorists instead of declaring war on them. i know i would be.
ed, you fuckhead
the us govt has used wmd on its own citizens.
stupid, brainwashed bastard.
stupid, brainwashed bastard.
hey Ed:
"No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial."
we do? we know this? where's your evidence? you know this how? because it was IMPLIED on the moronic news station you watch? or because it was actually confirmed?
you're one seriously dumb motherfucker. show me the money, show me the evidence. you can't. you don't have any cuz there isn't any. you stupid brainwashed fuck. people like YOU will be and are the downfall of this country. i pity your children to have to be raised by such ignoramuses. do yourself a favor and get your sorry ass out of the gene pool. may i suggest .45 caliber?
"No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial."
we do? we know this? where's your evidence? you know this how? because it was IMPLIED on the moronic news station you watch? or because it was actually confirmed?
you're one seriously dumb motherfucker. show me the money, show me the evidence. you can't. you don't have any cuz there isn't any. you stupid brainwashed fuck. people like YOU will be and are the downfall of this country. i pity your children to have to be raised by such ignoramuses. do yourself a favor and get your sorry ass out of the gene pool. may i suggest .45 caliber?
To Ed
Ed: Your statement that the fact that no WMDs were found in Iraq is immaterial.
The answer to that is that you were lied to by your president, in his effort to link Iraq to 9-11. There is no link, the White House has even gone on the record as saying so. Get your head out of your ass and stop accepting lies. You sound like you're frothing at the mouth happy to be visiting war on a people that have never transgressed you. Shame on you.
The answer to that is that you were lied to by your president, in his effort to link Iraq to 9-11. There is no link, the White House has even gone on the record as saying so. Get your head out of your ass and stop accepting lies. You sound like you're frothing at the mouth happy to be visiting war on a people that have never transgressed you. Shame on you.
good god....
Do you realize how fucking ignorant/pathetic all of that is?
First off,
1) The "terrorists" don't hate freedom. They hate it when other countries come in, colonize their lands, steal their wealth, and kill their people using high-tech sophisticated weaponry that bombers high up in the sky drop on them with impunity. I was watching Weeds on Showtime recently, and the guy that plays Andy went into a tirade against the war, after learning he was being sent to Iraq (he had signed up for the reserves earlier in life) that was pure genius. It went something like this: "Bush invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of the U.N., he's a war criminal, and now I'm supposed to be one of his disposable thugs with a fucking target on my head in the middle of the desert, waiting to be blown up by a car bomb rigged by a 12-year-old who loved Friends and Metallica until one of our missiles blew up his house and killed his family? I don't think so!!" Genius.
2) The "terrorists" are definitely NOT envious of jealous of us in any way. They see our society as corrupt, decadent, and evil - which, in my opinion, it is. We have become a nation of liars, cheaters, stealers and warmongerers. Our morals went out the window as soon as all the so-called morally upright right-wingers took over. That is why all the so-called "terrorists" are resisting our attempts to install a pro-western democracy....they have watched our system of government become a gargantuan, corrupt system that no longer serves the people but corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and they're not interested in it. They watched as the elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen.... overridden by the Supreme Court and Diebold, which is a company owned by a staunch republican who "promised to deliver Ohio's electoral votes to the president."
3) Characterizing an entire nation as "THE BAD GUYS" is WRONG and throughout history this device has been used BY THE BAD GUYS to foment warmongering and a feeling of malice towards entire populations that have done nothing to harm us.
This kind of brain-dead repetition of hatred, ignorance and stupidity must end.
If you ask me, right wing ultra-conservatism is the mental disorder. The liberals are at least using their brains, even if not all of their policies are the best option.
Do you realize how fucking ignorant/pathetic all of that is?
First off,
1) The "terrorists" don't hate freedom. They hate it when other countries come in, colonize their lands, steal their wealth, and kill their people using high-tech sophisticated weaponry that bombers high up in the sky drop on them with impunity. I was watching Weeds on Showtime recently, and the guy that plays Andy went into a tirade against the war, after learning he was being sent to Iraq (he had signed up for the reserves earlier in life) that was pure genius. It went something like this: "Bush invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of the U.N., he's a war criminal, and now I'm supposed to be one of his disposable thugs with a fucking target on my head in the middle of the desert, waiting to be blown up by a car bomb rigged by a 12-year-old who loved Friends and Metallica until one of our missiles blew up his house and killed his family? I don't think so!!" Genius.
2) The "terrorists" are definitely NOT envious of jealous of us in any way. They see our society as corrupt, decadent, and evil - which, in my opinion, it is. We have become a nation of liars, cheaters, stealers and warmongerers. Our morals went out the window as soon as all the so-called morally upright right-wingers took over. That is why all the so-called "terrorists" are resisting our attempts to install a pro-western democracy....they have watched our system of government become a gargantuan, corrupt system that no longer serves the people but corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and they're not interested in it. They watched as the elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen.... overridden by the Supreme Court and Diebold, which is a company owned by a staunch republican who "promised to deliver Ohio's electoral votes to the president."
3) Characterizing an entire nation as "THE BAD GUYS" is WRONG and throughout history this device has been used BY THE BAD GUYS to foment warmongering and a feeling of malice towards entire populations that have done nothing to harm us.
This kind of brain-dead repetition of hatred, ignorance and stupidity must end.
If you ask me, right wing ultra-conservatism is the mental disorder. The liberals are at least using their brains, even if not all of their policies are the best option.
Lies Lies Lies
Words of Mass Descrution
Words of Mass Descrution
Dick Cheney
Speech to VFW National Convention
August 26, 2002
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
George W. Bush
Speech to UN General Assembly
September 12, 2002
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
December 2, 2002
If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.
Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
January 9, 2003
We know for a fact that there are weapons there.
George W. Bush
State of the Union Address
January 28, 2003
Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.
Colin Powell
Remarks to UN Security Council
February 5, 2003
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.
George W. Bush
Radio Address
February 8, 2003
We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.
Colin Powell
Interview with Radio France International
February 28, 2003
If Iraq had disarmed itself, gotten rid of its weapons of mass destruction over the past 12 years, or over the last several months since (UN Resolution) 1441 was enacted, we would not be facing the crisis that we now have before us . . . But the suggestion that we are doing this because we want to go to every country in the Middle East and rearrange all of its pieces is not correct.
Colin Powell
Remarks to UN Security Council
March 7, 2003
So has the strategic decision been made to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction by the leadership in Baghdad? . . . I think our judgment has to be clearly not.
George W. Bush
Address to the Nation
March 17, 2003
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
Re: Bacharach's Pro Terrorist Song - Blood on his hands
Well well theres a load of hate.You obviously do not have a clue to what is going on .Terrorists GW made them when he occupied Iraq illegally.The longer we stay the worse it will be .We need to leave and the insurgency will olso decline.The scum are sitting in the White House and every day they are falling from grace.They are crooks and shisters everyone of them how can you support such a bunch of animals??????Ed wrote:This vile SOB decides to placate the terrorists with a so-called 'anti-war' song when in reality it displays again the naivety and ignorance of those who somehow believe if we just leave the terrorists alone everything will be all right. BS! For Bacharach's information pacifying these scum is taken as weakness and they love that as they don't care if you support them or hate them they still consider you an enemy and would just as soon kill you. You can bury your head in the sand all you want but it won't save your head from the reality of terrorism. The actions in Iraq are like fly paper to these lowlifes and it's far better to kill them there, than in our own backyard which is exactly where they would go if we followed the lunacy of Bacharach's ilk by bringing the troops home.
No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial. They probably ended up in Syria or in a Bacharach warehouse.
I would rather have Burt sing a few protest songs and maybe just maybe a few more will join him.We must reclaim America before its to late.
Re: Bacharach's Pro Terrorist Song - Blood on his hands
This is mindless right wing rant at its most pathetic. I usually don't get too excited over it, except when pot shots are taken at American icons like Burt Bacharach. Your concept of the "reality of terrorism" is no doubt gleaned from the so called "news" you get every night from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Free Republic. You display staggering naivety and ignorance yourself and every point you make has been refuted a thousand times. I admit I haven't heard Bacharach's song, and musicians can be pretty uninformed about politics, but compared to your rant, how naive could it be? Just try to say something halfway intelligable next time before attacking someone of Bacharach's stature. A man that has acheived what he has is certainly entitled to express his opinions. I have far less respect for the opinions of others when they come across sounding like they've been formed after countless nights sitting in front of the boob tube.Ed wrote:This vile SOB decides to placate the terrorists with a so-called 'anti-war' song when in reality it displays again the naivety and ignorance of those who somehow believe if we just leave the terrorists alone everything will be all right. BS! For Bacharach's information pacifying these scum is taken as weakness and they love that as they don't care if you support them or hate them they still consider you an enemy and would just as soon kill you. You can bury your head in the sand all you want but it won't save your head from the reality of terrorism. The actions in Iraq are like fly paper to these lowlifes and it's far better to kill them there, than in our own backyard which is exactly where they would go if we followed the lunacy of Bacharach's ilk by bringing the troops home.
No WMD's in Iraq? Don't even go there. We all knew Saddam USED them previously on his people and Iran's as well so whether we found them or not is immaterial. They probably ended up in Syria or in a Bacharach warehouse.
Hollywood is a fascist propaganda machine always has been!!
If your poor and struggling and you still support your governments murdering rampage, there is a special place for you in hell.
What you are witnessing is the last throes of a crumbling, dying empire, it knows it's dying, we know it's dying and they want to take the rest of the world with them, the only one that doesn't know is you, so keep watching Fox and drinking beer, it will all be over soon.
While all you toothless hicks scream about patriotism and wave your crappy little (made in China) flags, all the capitalists are abandoning the US dollar and taking their money and businesses overseas.
That's how much these guys love America, at the first sign of trouble they all jump ship. The fact that they are selling their dollars is going to accelerate your down fall. And it's not only that they are selling their dollars but they are actually betting against the dollar so that once it does fall they will make more money than they have ever made. I think it's going to be lots of fun!!! I love the smell of nuclear fallout in the morning.
What you are witnessing is the last throes of a crumbling, dying empire, it knows it's dying, we know it's dying and they want to take the rest of the world with them, the only one that doesn't know is you, so keep watching Fox and drinking beer, it will all be over soon.
While all you toothless hicks scream about patriotism and wave your crappy little (made in China) flags, all the capitalists are abandoning the US dollar and taking their money and businesses overseas.
That's how much these guys love America, at the first sign of trouble they all jump ship. The fact that they are selling their dollars is going to accelerate your down fall. And it's not only that they are selling their dollars but they are actually betting against the dollar so that once it does fall they will make more money than they have ever made. I think it's going to be lots of fun!!! I love the smell of nuclear fallout in the morning.
I believe Burt, like any musician or artist feels that artistic expression can be used to overcome grief, tragedy or in this case rising fascism. Dictators and fascists love to play down some of the great authors and musicians of their time and like Woody Guthrie, if Burt is doing his part to kill facists, then I nominate him Commander.
Dear Brain Dead Fascist Monkey Vermin
You deluded, brainwashed, fascist freaks aren't fit to lick the bottom of Bachrach's shoes. It's inexplicable how clueless Neanderthal Monkeys like this even happened to know who Bachrach is, much less be able to appreciate his genius and the contributions he has made.
If you shitbags want to kill so much, why aren't you in Iraq? Maybe they'll give you a personal set of battery cables so you can torture some teenagers down at Abu Ghraib while listening to "What The World Needs Now".
Forget about Bachrach's music and just keep parroting the demented propaganda and lies you've been force fed by Fox "News" and Limbaugh. That's all you can hear when your head is buried so far up your fat ass that nothing else can penetrate the vacuum between your ears.
If you shitbags want to kill so much, why aren't you in Iraq? Maybe they'll give you a personal set of battery cables so you can torture some teenagers down at Abu Ghraib while listening to "What The World Needs Now".
Forget about Bachrach's music and just keep parroting the demented propaganda and lies you've been force fed by Fox "News" and Limbaugh. That's all you can hear when your head is buried so far up your fat ass that nothing else can penetrate the vacuum between your ears.
Hey morons
Last I checked there was no evidence linking 9-11 and Iraq.
If you think this war is worth fighting, then get off your asses, enlist, and go get Osama for us, or have you forgotten about him already?
If you think this war is worth fighting, then get off your asses, enlist, and go get Osama for us, or have you forgotten about him already?