A Time To Love

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A Time To Love

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From Entertainment Weekly A CONVERSATION WITH STEVIE WONDER 10-21-05

EW There's a lot of antiwar commentary on this album. Does the climate feel similar to the 70's, when you were writing what were percieved as anti-Nixon songs?

SW Yes and no. It's similar, but deeper. People are doing crazier things. We are involved in everybody's business in every place in the world, and I guess the idea is to secure democracy, but you're supposed to take care of home first. I think, and there are situations that need to be dealt with that haven't been. More than ever, we've got to make this world a better place by example.

I suppose the republican racists remark will start to flow now.

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And then there's this from an article published just today:

Recent polling by The Associated Press-Ipsos shows sharp declines in support for the war and for Bush's performance as commander in chief since his re-election a year ago. Some of the steepest declines are among evangelicals, Southerners, white men and other critical cogs of the GOP coalition.

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They always scream the loudest while they are falling. After the crash the silence will be deafening. The events of the past two months has exposed the GOP for what they are. Burt will have the last laugh.

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Unfortunately there will be no "last laugh" here. We are all tiring of the war and there remain strong arguments both "for & against" the war effort. The anti war against terrorists movement was fully anticipated by those who brought death and destruction to our shores in 2001. As their recent communications reveal - they are preparing for the retreat by America which will once again increase our vulnerability. Anything which provides aid & comfort to our enemies not only undermines the efforts of those who serve in our military - but to all of us who supposedly cherish our freedom and way of life. Hopefully Burt and others will moderate their positions when they realize the severity of the threat being faced by their children if we we become too passive. Opponents to the war on terror have still not come up with viable alternatives!

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hey asshat: when are you gonna' wake your ignorant ass up and finally understand that there IS NO AND HAS NEVER BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE ANY CONNECTION WHATSOEVER BETWEEN THE 9/11 TERRORISTS AND IRAQ? your military is fighting a LIE and ignorant sheep like you who don't bother to think or do any kind of research (but gleefully wrap your dumbasses in flags and send your kids off to die) are still prattling on about fighting terrorism.

how stupid can you be, you ignorant simpleton fuck? READ a little, would you? get some FACTS before you start spouting drivel out your fat piehole.

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the thing that these pro-war types just don't get is that AMERICA WILL NEVER BE INVADED BY A TERRORIST ARMY AND DESTROYED. They seem to think that just because a couple buildings blew up that we're so vulnerable that if we stop fighting wars abroad, "THE TERRORISTS WILL GET US AT HOME"

they might be able to stage attacks, but face it people... throughout history every nation has been attacked at some point or other and they survived. Look at all the nations that were almost completely destroyed in WWII, and they rebuilt themselves. We lost a couple buildings and these people act like its the end of the world.

I think we need to work harder towards securing our borders and keeping people who want to attack us out...rather than trying to kill every single living human being who wants to do so throughout the world. FACE IT - there are always going to be people who want to attack us, you can never get rid of them all and to think you can is both arrogant and naive.

The way to improve our image throughout the world and minimize the support for radicals who want to attack is to be a shining example of freedom, tolerance and civility for the rest of the world to follow. America must once again become the beacon of light upon which all other nations look to lead by example, not by force.
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