Got my copy!!

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Got my copy!!

Post by Andrew »

My copy arrived yesterday from the Channel Islands - 4 days before the due release date!

The dual disc contains a 20min interview on the dvd side and the overall package is impressive. Lyrics and a centre picture of Burt with (I presume) his kids are also included within the cd sleeve.

I've only listened to it twice and want to have a good concentrated listen over the weekend. So far however, I'm impressed!


Post by GehVorbei »

i went to my local record store here in germany this afternoon and almost out of nowwhere and before the official release date they had a good dozen copies sitting right there in the "new releases" section. :D
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Post by jasperb »

Hi there!

My copy arrived today! So I have just finished listening to it for the first time and I am more than impressed. The melodies and arrangements are just simply stunning. I especially like the strings on it. "Who are these people?" is very catchy! Right now I will take a big walk along the riverside here in my hometown and I am taking the discman with me!
Blair N. Cummings
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U. K. release

Post by Blair N. Cummings »

Gee, I got my import copy a week ago through Amazon UK. Are you sure it wasn`t released last Monday?
Anyway, I`ve come to love parts of it, like most of the rest, and only skip Go Ask Shakespeare because of RW`s nasal, droning vocal. At first I thought the whole thing bore an unseemly resemblance to that "light-jazz-that-really-isn`t-jazz" stuff, but recall I`ve been a one-man PR industry for Woman since its initial release in `79 and ATT is nothing like it.
At any rate, it was kind of cool to be challenged albeit in an unexpected way. If, to my ears Woman was as close to a 10 as it`s possible to get, this is a solid 7.

Post by Guest »

I too got my copy last week from

I find "At This Time" brilliant. Of all the Bacharach albums my favourite is "Woman" (and favourite track - "There is Time") - and I think the new album would be the most similar to "Woman" in terms of compositional style - a mixture of jazz, classical and pop - sophisticated, urban and (to my mind) very american music. The orchestral palette is perhaps a bit different to that used in "Woman", and the compositions based on the drum loops are quite new in style. But, like "Woman", may of the tracks are extended compositions where many themes are introduced and then developed in different ways.

I think Bacharach and his musical compostions are one of the great jewels in American culture. He clearly cares a lot for his country - no one could listen to this music and not think so.

Dave Noble,
Sydney, Australia

Initial Impressions

Post by NoahW »

Hi Guys.
Like I said, I went out to get my copy at midnight last night and my initial impressions are actually quite mixed.
First off, I was infuriated that I spent 20 dollars (19.57 to be exact) on a disc that I can't even add to my mp3 library. This means that I can't place any songs from the album onto compilation albums to give to friends, and I can't place the tracks in my Burt Bacharach playlist, for even more listening pleasure.
This is the first (and last!) "content protected" disc I have purchased and I must say that it is a terrible idea; only perpetuating the death of the CD format (a format I truly love).

After tinkering with the tedious player that I was forced to play the album with, I finally listened to the music. I will listen to it a few more times today, but my initial impression is that it's kind of bland. :(
My favorite album is also "Woman" and I'm sorry to say that this pales in comparison. Dynamically, there is simply nothing interesting going on. Fortunately, Burt hasn't lost his gift for melody and a lot of the string arrangements are nice, but the production is too synthetic, and on first listen there's nothing to get overly excited about.

The lyrics, although I agree with what Burt is trying to say, are poorly executed. I can't help but wonder what Hal would have done with these songs. :( Finally, Elvis Costello ruins "Who Are These People." Am I the only person who KNOWS I can sing better than this guy?
Anyway, my favorite moments are when Burt sings. At least Burt knows he doesn't have the best voice in the world, but I think there is something extremely endearing about his singing style. It's so unique.

The album is growing on me. I am going to have to buy it again so I can watch the 20-minute interview. :( Anybody know where I can purchase the dual disc?

All in all, ATT is beautiful and relaxing. I especially enjoy "In Our Time" with Chris Botti. I just wish the album were less homogeneous. The dramatic dynamics of yesteryear have been replaced by drum loops that will never get softer or louder.
I'll probably give a better review later... But I will not retract this statement: Content protected CDs are the worst idea ever.


Post by nymusicalsguy »

I would recommend or to purchase the DualDisc of AT THIS TIME -- both have given me solid service in the past.

Maybe a British reader of this site can elaborate -- is it true that DualDiscs cannot be copy-controlled like the American CD is? It's unfortunate that Sony seemingly has begun to copy-control all of their new releases (Burt, Santana, Bette Midler, etc.) -- another incredibly short-sighted move on the part of the recording industry and a clear violation of your right to your purchased property (to put it in your Ipod). Sad, really...

At This Time

Post by Guest »

With all the hoopla before the release of this CD it was kind of a let down. I did and will enjoy the songs Please Explain and Where Did It
Go. Also like the music from the Ron Isley CD intro to The Look of Love turned into the song Can't Give It Up. Have to agree Elvis Costello might be a good writer but his singing has alot to be desired. Who Are These People shines when Burts singers John, Josie, and Donna take over.
And as far as Dr. Dre Drum Loops give me a break, hmm am I missing something here. Dosn't take a genius to come up with a loop played over and over and over again. The genius is Burt able to work it into his music.

Post by Guest »

Is there anything particularly interesting on the interview? Something we didn't read in articles or listen to on the BBC interview?
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Post by Alistair »

I own the UK DualDisc version of this album, and had no problem copying it onto my mp3 player (Creative Zen Extra - not an IPod!). Makes the journey to work a lot more appealing, listeining to Burt....etc
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