Screw you, Burt

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Peter Greenhill
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:04 am
Location: London, UK

Post by Peter Greenhill »

Mr Bill wrote::All you Bush-haters need to get a clue, grow-up and stop wishing for a rerun of the hateful 60s that nearly tore this nation apart. Or move to Cuba and North Korea.


What a silly comment.

What you don't seem to GET is that many Americans who think that Bush is a poor President want to change America for the better, not go to live in another country.

Simple, Isn't it?
Left-handed Right-Brained

Post by Left-handed Right-Brained »

Peter Green'party s'hill wrote:What a silly comment. What you don't seem to GET is that many Americans who think that Bush is a poor President want to change America for the better, not go to live in another country.
America is almost as good as it's ever been --not as great as it was in the Reagan heyday, but we can't live in the past (despite lefties dream of reliving the 60s in their quest to destroy this country). I think he was suggesting that those of you who want it to become a socialist sh!t-pot would be better off moving to a socialist sh!t-pot than trying to use the Constitution to wipe your asses and convert America into your idea of a socialist Utopia.

First ten one-way airline tickets are on me... (Of course you live in the moderately socialist UK, so you don't know better -- you can stay there, PG.)

guest alvina


Post by guest alvina »

I really don't know how to respond to these angry people that are almost irrational in their defense of this administration. Most profess to be Christians and I am so amazed at the hate and anger of one man's heartfelt opinions and concern for this country and the children and grandchildern we leave behind. My father was in the first wave on the beaches of Normandy, so no one knows better than I what we stand for and I honor all the men that die for this countrythat I love, but wrong is wrong and if one stands silently he dies a bit inside i believe. I love this country but hate the direction we are heading. Direct the hate toward me if you feel that need, but this is a democracy last time I checked.

Re: Screw you, Burt

Post by Ernie »

bpbatch wrote:From you clearly know nothing about: freedom and meterology.
It's not the study of "meters"'s meteorology. :roll:

Post by Guest »

["Left-handed Right-brained wrote:

. I think he was suggesting that those of you who want it to become a socialist sh!t-pot would be better off moving to a socialist sh!t-pot than trying to use the Constitution to wipe your asses and convert America into your idea of a socialist Utopia.

Judging by this piece of writing the standard of education in the US is less good than I had thought. Why do so many people, apparently on the right.have to use such offensive and unpleasant language when making their point

He also wrote:. (Of course you live in the moderately socialist UK, so you don't know better -- you can stay there, PG.)


Don't rubbish the UK mate, moderately socialist or not, we are one of the few nations that have supported the US in recent years. The above statement leads me to the conclusion that you have very limited understanding of world affairs.

Pete Greenhill
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