Ron Meets Burt Album - Why no UK release yet?

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Ron Meets Burt Album - Why no UK release yet?

Post by pljms »

Several months after the 'Ron Isley Meets Burt Bacharach' album saw the light of day in the US we're still waiting for it to be released in the UK. It was mentioned during the recent BBC radio doc on BB that it was scheduled for release in March, but here we are about stumble in to April and there's still no sign of it. Why the delay? One look at the current UK album charts which is full of quality singers singing quality songs (Has the world gone mad?!) suggests that the record company are missing a trick here by prevaricating.
Sara Dale
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Re Ron and Burt's album

Post by Sara Dale »

I paid £20 for an import copy in London's HMV store because I got fed up waiting. As it turned out, it was worth every extra penny. Beautiful and affecting and it had this old bird blubbing into her wine more than once.
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