connie francis and some standards from the 60s
Moderator: mark
connie francis and some standards from the 60s
sorry this is off topic
But this should be a place for
nostalgia of those wonderful
melodic songs of the early 60s
, the era which BB had contributed
a lot.
A few TCM movie clips:
Where The boys are
and ... our_smile/
of the Sandpipers with the best
looked Liz Taylor.
But this should be a place for
nostalgia of those wonderful
melodic songs of the early 60s
, the era which BB had contributed
a lot.
A few TCM movie clips:
Where The boys are
and ... our_smile/
of the Sandpipers with the best
looked Liz Taylor.
Burt was gloating though....
Burt was gloating, I'm sure when a short time later, in 1964, Dionne Warwick replaced Connie Frances as the number one female vocalist in America by Cashbox Magazine!
In effect an Apology? Ha!
Apology? Connie Frances? Hardly! The egotistical Ms. Frances recorded that album in 1968, long, long after her star had waned! She was simply trying to capitalize on the huge fame of Ms. Warwick and Mr. Bacharach. By 1968 Connie was hardly receiving any airplay at all.
Ms. Warwick had what Ms. Frances wanted. Real, true virtuosity as a singer and acclaimed talents and the choice output of the top songwriters of the day, Bacharach and Hal David. Connie Frances was a pop singer. Warwick was the pop singer's singer. Apologizing and acknowledging has not a thing to do with it!
Ms. Warwick had what Ms. Frances wanted. Real, true virtuosity as a singer and acclaimed talents and the choice output of the top songwriters of the day, Bacharach and Hal David. Connie Frances was a pop singer. Warwick was the pop singer's singer. Apologizing and acknowledging has not a thing to do with it!
This brings to mind that old adage primarily associated with people in the entertainment business - "BE KIND TO EVERYONE YOU MEET ON THE WAY UP BECAUSE YOU'LL LIKELY BE MEETING THE SAME PEOPLE ON THE WAY DOWN" A good application of the GOLDEN RULE that none of us should ever forget in our daily lives.
have a look!!
after wards Burt was'nt so angry about Connie francis..have a look on the back of the lp...we are in
after wards Burt was'nt so angry about Connie francis..have a look on the back of the lp...we are in
Connie and Burt? HUH?
Interesting! But, just goes to show you how gracious Burt is. Still, this kind of "paid praise" means little. "We are happy that you recorded an album of our music" and we are were laughing all the way to the bank!
I have seen Burt live several times and he tells the story frequently about his brush with the imperious, egomanicial, and eventually bob-nosed Connie Frances. Make no mistake about it, album blurb or not, Mr. Bacharach has no affection, affinity or like of Ms. Frances! There have been several sources who tell the very same story-from Robin Platts to Serene Dominic. Ms. Frances was positively brutal and dismissive of Bacharach and his marvelous music to his face. One thing you NEVER do is dismiss Bacharach! And, of course, it just goes to show you that all of Ms. Frances' taste is in her mouth. She last had class when she was in the 12th grade!
I have seen Burt live several times and he tells the story frequently about his brush with the imperious, egomanicial, and eventually bob-nosed Connie Frances. Make no mistake about it, album blurb or not, Mr. Bacharach has no affection, affinity or like of Ms. Frances! There have been several sources who tell the very same story-from Robin Platts to Serene Dominic. Ms. Frances was positively brutal and dismissive of Bacharach and his marvelous music to his face. One thing you NEVER do is dismiss Bacharach! And, of course, it just goes to show you that all of Ms. Frances' taste is in her mouth. She last had class when she was in the 12th grade!
No Doubt
No dispute there, Connie is a good performer and entertainer. Have a few of her sides myself. This does not change things a bit though. Again, the album blurb means little. Francis was dismissive of Bacharach and his music. Her BAD. But then again, Burt had his revenge over and over with Dionne. And it makes a tremedously great story for Bacharach to tell over and over!
Some of us, I would humbly submit, wish that Burt would quit whipping that dead horse. It's his right to repeat the story ad nauseum, but I personally don't believe it reflects well on him. The minute Burt stops talking about her, and we stop hashing over THE SNUB, see how quickly she (and it) are forgotten. And I don't say that with any particular glee; it's merely a fact of life.
People Love It!
Burt tells the story because it is a good one and people love dish! That's why Connie wrote her book. People want and love to know all about whatever it is. I don't think it reflects badly on Burt--most people recognise it for what it is--a good showbiz story! After all are not Burt, Connie et al entertainers????? Connie loves to dish as well and tells stories of her career, not much different than Burt. Bless her and Burt for that-they're only human and very entertaining.