Sparks, NV Concert Report (Burt signed my iPod!)

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Sparks, NV Concert Report (Burt signed my iPod!)

Post by harrymcc »

My pal Bryan and I braved a blizzard (first I've endured in California!) to drive from San Francisco to Sparks, NV for Burt's concert last night--and then back again the same night.

That was about ten hours of gnarly driving for a two-hour concert, but it was worth it. I'd seen Burt in concert in Saratoga a year and a half ago, but this performance was quite different. For one thing, there was less patter (though in what patter there was, he talked about his kids, which I don't think he did before), and four songs from the new album.

Josie James, John Pagano, and Donna Taylor were present and in fine form (as was violinist Eliza James), but Burt sang some or all of a bunch of songs, including The Look of Love (!!!). (He noted that he waited until towards the end of the concert, once the audience was on his side, to sing so much.)

After the end of the concert, a few of us hung around, chatting at first with Burt's son Oliver. Then the man himself came out, and patiently and engagingly signed CDs, posed for pictures, and schmoozed. He mentioned that he was playing San Francisco on March 9th (news to me--that's 1.5 miles from my home--guess I didn't have to face a snowstorm to see him, though I may go again).

I hadn't bought a CD, since I'd already downloaded the new album from iTunes. So I didn't have anything for him to sign. Or did I? I happened to have my iPod on me (by accident--I'd put it in my coat pocket and forgotten about it). Reasoning that it was full of Bacharach and is my principal tool for enjoying his music these days, I asked him to autograph it.

And he did, seeming amused and saying it was the first iPod he'd ever signed. The reflective, scratch-prone backside of an iPod is one of the hardest things on earth to photograph, so this picture looks kind of crummy--but trust me, it looks neat in real life, and the transparent case I keep my iPod in will show it off and keep it protected.
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Reply: Harrymcc

Post by vincent.cole »

Bonjour Harrymcc;

Thanks for your view of the show!

Why you are true fan to drive 10 hours in a snow storm to see Burt!

By the way, what are the 4 song that Burt included from the album?
Take care;

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Post by mark »

That's a great story, Harry. I had Burt autograph my copy of the Rhino "Look of Love" collection when I saw him in Houston a couple of years ago, but I'm definitely going to think about having him sign my iPod next time I see him.

Did Burt say whether or not he owns an iPod?

PS: Sorry about your long drive, but I just found out about the new San Francisco date a couple of days ago.

Just returned

Post by KD »

Wonderful stories about the show. It was wonderful and we drove through the snow to get there also. But stayed on for two days after.

We would do it again.

This is the way I feel about his music.

Like all of Burts songs his new album is about Caring. Caring for people.
He is a true believer in mankind and his music has voiced that through the years. I have always been able to get this feeling from his music.

I loved the way he spoke of his family and his caring for them. When you reach a certain place in life you really do have these deep seated feelings that emerge. Thank goodness he can express them in his music
so that we can all enjoy.

Life is precious and he conveys this.

Looking forward to his next songs.


Post by MBoyd »

Ha ha, just saw the story linked to ipod lounge!

I think Burt does have an ipod because his playlist was posted once.
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