The Burt Bacharach Forum is a board to discuss the music and career of composer Burt Bacharach and performers associated with his songs.

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Post by alli »

:D Last year Cilla released her new cd 'Beginnings' - the title track composed especially for her by Mr Burt B.Apparently the song is from a new musical that is in the pipeline...anyone know any more info? It's a lovely song,but then again, who would expect anthing other than a wonderful song, and a ballad to boot!
Cilla Black fan
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RE: "Beginnings"

Post by nymusicalsguy1 »

Burt & Hal's beginning was written for THE LOOK OF LOVE, the short-lived Broadway revue of their music. It, unfortunately, was cut in previews in favor of "What The World Needs Now" to serve as the show's finale. I was happy to see Cilla record it and preserve it even though Burt himself didn't produce or arrange her version!

lorra, lorra lies

Post by GehVorbei »

It´s interesting that with "Beginnings" like with "Alfie" or almost any other BB/HD song she butchered, she pulled the same stunt in England claiming it was written by Burt especially for her.

The London Guardian recently ranked Cilla as the second worst singer in pop history, coming in right after Geri Halliwell, which sounds about right to me.

Post by GehVorbei »

The ten worst-ever pop stars

Music is poorer for their presence, reckons Peter Robinson (and we're not even counting reality TV acts)

Sunday January 22, 2006

1. Geri Halliwell
It is easy to laugh now at the idea of Girl Power, but 10 years ago Ginger Spice offered genuine empowerment in playgrounds across the planet. Every element of this ideology was jettisoned - and subsequently trashed - by Geri Halliwell's needy descent into pop obscurity. Around the time of Halliwell's 2005 album launch, everything that was bold and brash, fun and flighty about her Spice Girls persona was traded for utter desperation, as captured in a Channel 5 documentary. Her most recent single, 'Desire ', saw Halliwell clambering onto a boardroom table and lapping at a saucer of milk - easily the most ill-advised piece of pop posturing ever seen. Halliwell is now back in regular contact with Victoria Beckham , suggesting that a Take That-style Spice reunion may emerge this year. As, of course, will Halliwell's first child, and it's hard to imagine that both events will pass without at least one accompanying DVD.

2. Cilla Black

Utterly incapable of being listenable. Most recently seen exhibiting her cluelessness as a judge on Soapstar Superstar, on which she offered such insights as ' That was brilliant' while trying to seduce the guy who plays Corrie's gothboy.
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