Burt and The Apprentice?!

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Burt and The Apprentice?!

Post by Rio »

May 01, 2006
Another Blowout On The Apprentice

The eight remaining candidates travel to Long Island to put together grand openings for two new Hair Cuttery Salons on NBC's "The Apprentice," (Monday, May 1st, 9-10 p.m. ET/PT). The team with the most revenue from the one-day grand opening event wins and collaborates with legendary songwriter Burt Bacharach, while the losers sing a different tune in a heated boardroom.

Sean admits to a crush on a teammate, while one of the project managers decides to sit back and get her hair blown out. The winners collaborate with composer and artist Burt Bacharach at the historical Steinway Hall to create an original song.

Apprentice fans can log on to www.NBC.com to vote for their favorite candidate and track their weekly progress. Leading the online voting for the second week in a row is Tammy (Los Angeles, Ca.) with 27 percent of the votes; followed by Roxanne (Austin, Tx.) with 18 percent and Lee (New York) with 16 percent.

Viewers of NBC's "The Apprentice" still have the chance to roll in the dough with a weekly Grand Prize random drawing of $10,000 by playing the live interactive "Get Rich With Trump" game during each episode. "Get Rich With Trump" can be played by sending a text message from a cell phone or by logging onto NBC.com/APPRENTICE. Please log onto NBC.com for complete rules.

http://www.realitytvmagazine.com/blog/2 ... owout.html
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Post by ComeTouchTheSun »

I saw Burt on the Apprentice tonight. It was a pretty short segment. Basically, the four people on the winning team went to Steinway Hall and Burt was in there playing. Then he played "In Our Time" from the new album. Since it's an instrumental, he had them write words to it. Their lyrics weren't that great :D but it was fun to watch Burt's reaction to their lyrics (and their arguing..)

I think they replay The Apprentice on one of NBC's cable channels sometime during the week if anyone missed it.

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Burt on Apprentice

Post by Alvina »

Hey guys, I was just going to post about the show when I saw you had beaten me to it. I was totally surprised and it was a great treat. I do think the team showed little class in their arguing in front of Burt and the world but I guess they have a pattern here lol. I did like the song with lyrics in any case. I do love surprises and this one was totally that.
Hope I can make it to San Diego......thinkin about it. My husband might divorce me though lol. :wink:
Take care and thanks for the post.
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