Well...i was on the phone at 10AM this morning...trying to get tickets to see Burt, because someone at the casino said they were going on sale this morning when Ticketron opened...and all 4 nites are sold out
How can that happen....? In a matter of 5 minutes?
I would have been devastated had that happened to me for the San Diego concert in Aug !
However, in March when I wanted to purchase tickets for the BUrt concert at Pala Casino, the first rows were all sold out..same thing: keeping them for high rollers. Then the night of the concert, there were about 10 seats in that area available.... no-shows, I imagine.
It is a shame they have these practices because that evening I happened to meet one attendee who had obtained her seat courtesy of the Casino and she barely knew who Burt was. What a waste ! I hope something happens that you can find some tickets later on. Good luck !
Hey, I am all right about not seeing Burt in Connecticut. It would have been nice to have gone though. Mohegan Sun is a great place to see Burt or any show!
I have seen Burt 3 times already this year and they were all great shows. There are some people on the forum, who have not or will not see a Burt concert this year. Also the lady from, 'Down Under' in Australia who has never seen Burt!
I do feel for Paula13, who had her heart set on seeing Burt!
Like yourself, I hope this practice ends, where the Casinos give the tickets out to the high rollers and the truly great fans can't get a ticket!
Last edited by vincent.cole on Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks for your concern, I appreciate it....i went online again Monday afternoon...to the Ticketron website....and there were tickets available after all Whatever customer service rep i had on the phone must have not known his stuff....because he did check for all 4 nites.
So, Vinny....try going online to buy the tickets.
Your Welcome Vin We are going to the show on Thursday, the opening nite because it was the only nite we could get reservations.
Mohegan is always sending us free tickets to a lot of events....so in case they do, for Burt's show....i may be able to turn them over to you..if you know anybody who may want them
Well, Vincent....the show on Thursday nite was suburb (as usual).
There was a keyboard malfunction...at the beginning of "Go Ask Shakespeare"..that Burt made a real joke out of....blaming it all on way too much technology these days, etc.
And..at the end of the concert..I ran down to the stage and got to shake Burt's hand again..like I did last year..(wow...what was in those 2 Blue drinks I had!!!!)
Antyway...I wish you and your party a divine evening tonite...at The Mohegan Sun
Yes, it was a wonderful show. I will have a post later on this week and some photos.
P.S. I didn't have to run down the stage to shake Burt's hand, I was at the 1st Table near Donna, John & Joise! Will let you know more in my post later on in the week! It was just great being their with all the wonderful fans! Stay tune.