more of a DEMAND to DVD makers....and OURS too,
that now is the time to re-release the --in his own words--We're Dyin' For---of the movie Lost Horizon.
He also voiced out a lot of other things, including the bonus featurettes that DVD may contain. Sort of a wish list. Wish List that I only thought,but may be tickled pink if it sortA happen. Sort of Like an early X'mas wish...Like:
The reason for the debacle. Personal Testimonials from the people involved into the making of the film. Personalities like BB and HD of course, the avowed gay and writer..Larry Kramer, the miscasting of Michael York and Sally Kellerman, the writer from MAD magazine to renamed the movie, Least Horizon. The director.
plus the music video of the 5th Dimension as lifted from the musical special of Burt Bacharach, and if possible the WHOLE music special if clip is too limiting. After three decades how does the Lost Survivors will faced up the flashback of their own work....This is a lot juicier than I ever have imagined . We will definitely keep our fingers crossed.=