Mixed feelings about Burt's concert in Forlì

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mario serra
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Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 11:15 am
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Mixed feelings about Burt's concert in Forlì

Post by mario serra »

Saturday night's concert in Forlì, was a very unique event in many ways. It started with almost an our of delay. The location was a very peculiar one: Forlì is a small country side provincial city of Romagna. The concert took place in Piazza Saffi, that is the central square were the municipality is located. Burt, and the orchestra, the vocalists and his family staid in Venice:more than two ours away from Forlì. Piazza Saffi was closed to the public after 7 pm. The concert started at 10 pm .Burt, The orchestra and the vocalists started their trials at 6 pm.At the begining of the concert, there must have been some sound check problems, because there was some confusion, and I must say that Burt appeared rather fatigued: maybe because of jet-lag consequences. Then, when the audience started to warm-up, and chieered and vowed for Burt and his crew of musicians solists and and vocalists- the atmosphere came to the climax when Donna Taylor sung Falling out of love and Elicia James introduced Who are these people?- with her violin solo.Burt Showed up at the end wearing the italian soccer team sweat shirt. Howling; "Beat France,Beat France"... It was realy nice to be there and meet and be together, we old italian Burt fans. I want to thank them all. Roberto Pinardi, Armando Gabba and his wife Monica, Robert Passera, Marina, and her two friends, Alberto Gerolimetto, Davide Bonori, Stefano from Pescara and he is gilfriend from Bolzano, and all the people that ended up eating pizza with us, till two o'clock in the morning. Finally it was great to meet and talk with Jane Bacharach: What a fine and nice person she is! I thank Armando Gabba for having given to me this opportunity. We all hope that there will be other chances for Burt to preform in Italy. He, Jane and his felow musicians and partners, must know that in Italy we love and admire then most of all.
Thank you all.Till my next post All the best.
Mario Serra
Roberto Pinardi
Posts: 434
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:25 am

for italians fans - per i fans italiani

Post by Roberto Pinardi »

il concerto di TRani è stato annullato :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:21 am
Location: Teramo - Italy

trani concert

Post by dunsirn23 »

Oh Yeah? So, the trani concert is cancelled? Why I'm not surprised?

I had a feeling. That the messy italian organization had cancelled the concert due to the fact they have sell only a fistful of tickets. Many of you at the forlì concert ask to me why i choose the folì date instead the Trani date.

Well, my dears... thanks to the similar organization I loose in 1999 a Elvis Costello concert in rome because the messy organization had sell only 300 tickets in a stadium with 2000 seats.

Maybe I'm wrong... but... my sixth sense works very well.

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