seeing Burt next week

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seeing Burt next week

Post by junkstar »

Could anyone give me an idea of what the show will be like? Will he have a vocalist with him? Thanks.
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:45 pm
Location: Staten Island N.Y.

Post by vincent.cole »

:D Bonjour Junkstar;

Burt will have 3 vocalists with him. Donna, Josie and John. Each one will be show cased doing a solo or two. 1st rate singers!

It seems like this will be your 1st Burt concert. Well, you are in for a wonderful night!

Hopefully we can meet before or after the concert. I will be sitting in the 3rd row right with 7 of my friends. My friend Alvina will be there with her entourage as well!

P.S. Look under ‘Images’ on the forum and you will see my mug shot.
Take care;


Post by Junkstar »

Thanks for the speedy reply Vincent. I am extremely excited to see Burt, and yes, it will be my first. If I spot you, I will say hello.

Any idea how large the band will be? Will Burt sing a little? Will we get some of his great instrumental compositions? Should I not ask and just let myself be suprised? How long is a typical Burt show?
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:45 pm
Location: Staten Island N.Y.

Post by vincent.cole »

:D Junkstar;

You want to be suprised!

Burt's show are about 85 to 90 minutes.

Burt does sing a few solo songs. I won't tell you. But one of them is his favorite!

I am sure you will enjoy the concert! This is about the 15 concert that I have gone to see Burt, since 1986. I believe that was when Burt & Dionne started their touring. I saw both of them at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. It was truly awesome!!!
Take care;

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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 8:30 pm

Post by warbachavid »

Ah, I was just watching that last night. That's from 1987 the debut at Radio City Music Hall, it is thrilling!! :D
Posts: 785
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:45 pm
Location: Staten Island N.Y.

Post by vincent.cole »

:D warbachavid;

Thanks for the correction on 1987!
Take care;

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