Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

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Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by vincent.cole »

Star Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008

Place: “Stanley Theater (Utica New York)”

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Super Nova: Mr. Burt Bacharach


As Frank Sinatra title song goes, “Autumn in New York.” Well, any season in the year is great to see Burt Bacharach in concert! My wife Cheryl and my Burt buddies Jeanne & her husband Tyler spent the weekend up in the beautiful Mohawk Valley in New York State @ a country Inn. This was our 3rd time seeing Burt in concert this year. And I must say it’s not enough!

“The Show”

The beautiful Stanley Theater has a seating capacity of 3000, but I would say a 3rd of the seats were occupied. It’s always very nice to play before a sold out crowd. But that did not deter the professionalism and perfection that Burt & his band members always bring to a concert! The play list was basically the same as Laura mention in the Denver Concert in September 2008. I hope Burt puts "Bond Street" back into the show! I just love that piece from the flick Casino Royale’. It’s always great to hear Burt’s 1st 4 hits. “Magic Moments, The Blob, The Story of My Life & Tower of Strength.” Burt mentions that this was the actor Steve McQueen’s 1st movie and he survived the movie. In the next breath, Burt says, “So did my career.” If you didn’t know it already, Burt has a great sense of humor.
During the 1st standing ovation, I was able to shake Burt’s hand. Burt made eye contact with me and I could see that he recognized me. I had something special to give Burt after the show, which my wife Cheryl, son David and I collaborated on!


When the show was over, Cheryl, Jeanne, Tyler and Burt’s new # 1 fan Laura, from Maryland made our way to the stage to speak with the band members, Josie, Donna, John & Rob. As always they were happy to see some of Burt’s loyal fans @ the show! They are very nice to everyone who approaches them!

I met a lady name Cynthia and she asked me if I was Vincent. This lady used to post on the old Burt forum. What is so special about her is, Burt’s father and her dad were very good friends! I am sure she has a wealth of knowledge of Burt when she was growing up! I hope to see her @ another Burt concert in the years to come.

I spoke with John Pagano and ask him to give a tee shirt that I brought with me for Burt. I wanted to make sure Burt got it, just in case I did not get a chance to meet him after the show. Well that was not the case.

What was special about the tee shirt was this. When I drive my grand kid’s home, I always play Burt’s music. My wife Cheryl told me, that they have been ‘Burt-en-ized.’ So we have coined a new word to the English lingo.

What is on the tee shirt is a caricature of Burt playing the piano and musical notes coming from it. There is a photo of my wife Cheryl & me about 25 years ago. The caption on the base of the piano says, “We have been Burt-en-ized!”

Many of Burt’s band members came out of the Stanley Theater and I was able to get some photo time with them! That is always a great feeling, that they indulge me!

Burt is the last to come out. I believe there were about 7 of us waiting for the Silver Fox. I asked Burt how he liked his tee shirt. Burt told me, “He just loved it!” You should have seen the smile on his face! I was able to get a photo of Burt & myself with the tee shirt. My wife Cheryl is standing to the far left of the photo. I sent this photo & others to Mark who runs the forum. In addition I mention to Burt, the next time I see him; I will have the meaning of, ‘Burt-en-ized.’

I am getting business type card printed up with the definition of, ‘Burt-en-ized’ I plan to give Burt a few of them when I see him in 2009 @ another concert!

I told Burt, my 2 grand sons Isaiah & Elijah favorite song of his is, “Three Wheels On My Wagon.” Burt was kind of surprise I knew this song sung by Dick Van Dyke.

I just want to take a moment and mention this. In my judgment, Burt is the 4th ‘B’ in the line of great composers! You already know the other three. In many aspects I am truly grateful that Burt has grace my life and countless others!

Well, I am looking for 2009 with anticipation of more Burt concerts!

Take care;

An Enormous BB Fan
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by An Enormous BB Fan »

Great review and post, as always, Vincent. (We'll talk this week. I'll drive you nuts, as always, with all my questions.) As you know, I was Burt-en-ized many, many, years ago. Vincent, I'm still holding out hope that Burt will invite you and Cheryl to dinner one day.
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by blueonblue »

Thank you for your wonderful's always a joy to read them !!! :D

Take care mon ami,
"blue" ( Burt-en-ized ) since birth :?
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by steveo_1965 »

thanks for the review, Vincent....Neat!
Steveo(burt-en-ized in '66
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by bonkersforburt »

hey vincent,

thanks best thing to being there..., always enjoy your reports, will you be in newport news next month? hope to see you there.
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by someonenameddavid »

So where are THE PICTURES Vincent?.... inquiring minds need to know....
I will be sharing a light Italian lunch to-morrow with the ever-gracious miss Eliza James... on the occasion of her mother's birthday.
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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by vincent.cole »

Bonjour, An Enormous BB Fan; :D

Thanks for the kind words mon ami.

It would be a nice gesture that Burt would invite Cheryl and me to dinner. Of course I would think about it for a second and accept (lol)! But I don’t think that would happen. That’s how it is. Talk with you later in the week.


Bonjour Blue; :D

So you were Burt-en-ized at birth! Well I got Burt-en-ized in 1962!
Also thanks for the kudos. I hope you get a chance to see Burt in England, when he comes to your country later on in October?

Well take care, mon ami.


Bonjour Steveo_1965; :D
So I got you beat by 4 years. But mon ami, I know that you got the full force of being Burt-en-ized in the late 60’s & early 70’s! It must have been an awesome!!!


Bonjour Bonkersforburt; :D

I was expecting you to be @ the show! I was surprise you were not!
Hey, you better start going to more Burt Concerts. Laura has become Burt’s # 1 fan now! I can’t believe that you have been dethroned (lol)! It’s almost like blaspheme (lol)!

Bonkersforburt, I would love to have made the trek to Newport News in November! But my schedule doesn’t allow me! But since you will be there, I know Burt will be in good hands! So don’t forget to write a report for the forum.

Take care, mon ami & I will no doubt see you @ a Burt Concert in 2009.


Bonjour Someonenamedavid; :D

I sent the photos of the concert to Mark who runs the forum.
Took a very nice photo with your daughter Eliza James!
Send me a private email and I could send them to you.

Take care, mon ami.

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Re: Sunday October 5, 2008 Burt Concert Review

Post by someonenameddavid »

merci bien mon ami.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is.
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