New Brunswick: In search of the lost chord

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New Brunswick: In search of the lost chord

Post by someonenameddavid »

So: the New Brunswick NJ show was packed, and we heard a few nice things about "The National Starch and Chemical Co." who sponsored the event....
Burt had a cold, but was otherwise gracious and funny....
At the beginning of one piece, a microphone fell off inside the grand piano causing a thunk....
Found and fixed by Rob Shrock, keyboards, arranger and duct tape remover extraordinaire....
said Hi to Vincent Cole and Joan... got to go backstage and said Hi to Burt
(Lots of times it's _who_ you know :lol: ) My entire New Jersey family loved it and now I'm back in Tulsa.

I have been told in No Uncertain Terms (tm) that I have to refer to my daughter as Eliza James on this newsgroup {or else....}

And yes, the band are really good people.

Li^^^^^ Eliza is not performing at BB King's owing to a contractual obligation, so she will be back in L.A. teaching beginning violin on Tuesday... those of you in LA who would like a really inspirational music teacher e-mail me.

I shook his hand but have not contracted his cold
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A few thoghts on the New Jersey State Theater Concert

Post by vincent.cole »

Burt The Masterâ€￾

Star Date: April 1, 2006

Place: “State Theater, New Brunswick, New Jerseyâ€￾

Time: 6:00 P.M.

Super Nova: Mr. Burt Bacharach

Sorry, it took me so longer to write something about the concert. My PC at home was out to lunch. Just want to add a few personal thoughts.

I was also glad to meet, ‘someonenamedavid’. Like I said on many occasions, the many fans add to the concert experience.

It was the same show that I saw in N. Carolina in February 2006. My wife Cheryl and our friends Jeanne and Tyler and I were in the Pop Corn Section in the balcony. So I won’t rehash the program of songs. Tickets cost us almost 1 Benjamin Franklin! The reason for this was it was a Gala Event for the theater. The well healed shell out about $400.00. It was one of those meet and greet and dinner and dancing events. Just an aside. Burt was some what under the weather. He indicated that when he sang the song Alfie. Burt wanted to give that song the justice it desires!

After the show talked with Rob and took a photo with him and my wife. It seems like Rob was trying to get the 4 of us back stage. Rob told us to wait a minute or 2 as he was heading back stage, but the Security people told us that we had to leave the theater. Rob came back and looked perplex on what just happen!

Jeanne, Cheryl, Tyler and I waited at the stage door in the back. Donna, John and Josie came out about a ½ an hour later. They were kind enough to take pictures with us. Also I got a great picture with Dennis Wilson and Cheryl and myself! I will forward these on to Mark who runs the Website later.

For some reason security seem very tight that night. We had to stand back almost 50 feet from Burt’s Limo! The Limo person backed the Limo right up to the back stage door, with in a few feet to spare.

About 50 minutes later Burt came out the Stage door with his Manager Susan and 2 other people. It seems like Burt’s people wanted him to get right in the Limo. Burt could have done that, since the Limo was so close to the back stage door! Burt looked up and saw six of us waiting (There was another couple who drove up from Delaware for the show). Burt approached us and said, “Sorry to keep you waiting so long!!!â€￾ What can I say? Even though Burt was not feeling to well that night, he still thought of his fans over how he was feeling!!! All I can say is, WOW!!! This is one of the reasons I try and attend as many Burt concerts I can go to! I come to admire Burt over the years as a truly loving and caring person!!! Burt took a few pictures with us and he signed my, ‘Live in Japan’ LP. We didn’t spend too much time with Burt, because he was under the weather in the cool air. All of us thank him, then he got into his Limo and he drove off.

Since the concert started at 6 PM, Jeanne, Tyler, Cheryl and I had dinner reservations at 9 PM, but we didn’t get to the restaurant until about 9:45 PM. The restaurant was only about 200 feet from the theater called, ‘Stage Left’. Well during the late evening dinner, the 4 of talk about the concert and Burt!

I will give some comments about the B.B. King Concert that was held on Monday, April 3, 2006 later on.
Take care;

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