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Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:47 pm
by steveo_1965
Do you think Dr. Bacharach( I assume he has received an honorary
docotrate bestowed upon him at some point in time)would be open to
teaching at a songwriting seminar or songwriting clinic at some college in the future?
It would be a pretty cool thing!

Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by An Enormous BB Fan
If he did, I'd be the first one to sign up! Imagine having Burt, the greatest songwriter EVER, as your teacher!

I have a feeling that he wouldn't do it and I'll tell you why. Lawsuits. Burt is stil, THANK GOD!, a vibrant and active composer. I don't believe that he can put himself in the position of listening to other songwriters' music for fear that one of them might accuse him of ripping off their material. This is just a total guess on my part. What do you think of this, considering how people sue one another these days?

Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:17 pm
by steveo_1965
Well, if he hadnt thot of that he will now!
I don't know that that would a great concern, but possibly!
food for thot.

Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:21 pm
by someonenameddavid
Somewhere on the net there is a video of Burt teaching a small group of young adults: discussing his style and the reasons for doing what he does... he holds them spellbound. I think it was recorded about the time "Painted from Memory" was released... I could be wrong. I tried to find it but was not successful


Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:44 pm
by steveo_1965
That would be great to see! Hope someone un-earths that clip.

Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:04 am
by David_Noble
In the notes for the CD The Rare Bacharach 1, the author Glenn A Baker says - "In 1999 I had the extraordinary good fortune to observe him at both work and play in Havana, Cuba, during a songwriting workshop called Music Bridge." and then he goes on to detail some of his experiences with Burt at the workshop.


Re: Dr. Bacharach

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:42 am
by Enrique Barrueco
Yes, I remember this. Bacharach recorded two lessons in a page called Rehearsals. It was after At this Time. Rehearsal censored the two lessons because Bacharach spoke about his feelings about Bush, the song Who are these People, the recording, and much more.

Rehearsals never explain why they killed the two Bacharach´s lessons. What happened to them?
