does anyone know of recordings of Burt singing his own songs

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does anyone know of recordings of Burt singing his own songs

Post by phil »

Hi there,

I'm trying to find recordings of Burt singing his own songs. A friend of mine said she had a tape of him singing which was "heart-breakingly beäutiful" and I want to find this somewhere (she's lost hers...).

Many thanks for any help.
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Location: Boston, MA


Post by nateybird »

Burt sings snippets of a few of his songs and one or two songs all the way through on a bunch of his solo albums. However, most of the songs on these albums are instrumental. Maybe at some point these scattered songs on which he sings were collected on one album? I do not know. It's too bad that apparently he did not really care too much for his voice, because it IS beautiful. but "we are often our own worst critics."

The two songs that stick out in my mind as "heartbreakingly beautiful" that burt sings himself are "make it easy on yourself" and "the balance of nature." His version of "make it easy on yourself" contains this additional melody after the refrain not on other versions that really tugs at the heart strings.

Hey - while i'm here, anyone know how i can hear jack jones version of "I'm a Better Man for Having Loved You?" It looks like it is only on vinyl. Was it just a single or is it on one of his albums? The allmusicguide isn't helping much. I wanna hear it because i think the song is beautiful and engelbert does a ...decent job, well, actually he's got great kitsch appeal, but he's kinda gauche.

I (heart) burt!
An Enormous BB Fan
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Re: Hmmmm...

Post by An Enormous BB Fan »

nateybird wrote:Hey - while i'm here, anyone know how i can hear jack jones version of "I'm a Better Man for Having Loved You?" It looks like it is only on vinyl. Was it just a single or is it on one of his albums? The allmusicguide isn't helping much. I wanna hear it because i think the song is beautiful and engelbert does a ...decent job, well, actually he's got great kitsch appeal, but he's kinda gauche.
When I first heard "I'm a Better Man" on the radio, I thought it was such a great, great, great song! My immediate thought was that I had to get the song and I had to get the sheet music. When I got the sheet music, lo and behold!, I immediately saw that it was another Bacharach/David song! I flipped out because I never expected to see their names on the song. But I should have known, because only Burt's music could affect me in that particular way. It's a song that, to this moment, I can't believe didn't become a true standard... that is, sung by everyone! And by Burt's standards, it's not a hard song to sing, either. So I have no explanation why it's a forgotten song.

Now I have to disagree with you about Engelbert, because I think he sang it so wonderfully and beautifully. His voice was so rich and textural. I see no gauche-ness to it at all, or kitsch. I simply think it's beautiful and should have become a standard. For me, Jack Jones could never improve on it. In fact, I think Jack Jones's voice to be just average. He's no Engelbert, that's for sure.

In any event, good look in getting that particular version of the song! And I feel that one day that song will be re-discovered for the beauty that it is.
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:05 am
Location: Boston, MA

You got me

Post by nateybird »

Alright, i take it back. sorry i dissed engelbert. yes yes yes I admit I love the engelbert humperdinck version, i listen to it repeatedly. yes yes yes I adore this song; HOWEVER, one or two things about his performance DO irk me, and I just wanted to hear a different version.
I (heart) burt!
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