Piano Jazz with Marian McPartland

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Piano Jazz with Marian McPartland

Post by kyleburke »

Just a heads up to anyone within the KCBX listening range (unfortunately, they don't do a webcast) in Southern California - Burt's recent appearance on Piano Jazz is being broadcast at 11:00 am TODAY. If anyone can or has recorded this and can spare a copy, I would be most grateful!
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Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:45 pm
Location: Somewhere near the PCH! Centeral California that is...

Post by DonO »

Dear kyleburk,

I happen to live near SLO and the KCBX signal and, yup, I did manage to record the episode. This broadcast was a long time coming as the station didn't list this ep for a long time.

Anyways, I think I can burn a copy fer ya. Just need a blank CDR and an address.

Andre B

Piano Jazz

Post by Andre B »


I'd love a copy too, if you don't mind. Where can I send a blank CDR?

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