New CD...copy protected?

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New CD...copy protected?

Post by Rudy »

Must say I'm upset that I've heard the new CD is copy protected. As a result, I will NOT be buying it, and I own every other Burt Bacharach recording out there. It's sickening that Sony/BMG is doing this to all their releases now, so I can't blame the artist directly...but still, this is at least one lost sale due to the copy protection. (I'm also passing on Neil Diamond's new 12 Songs album for the same reason.)

I've heard this album may be available on vinyl, but even that could be a washout since it would have to be a double album in order to fit 53 minutes of music on LP. (It could theoretically fit on a single disc, but the grooves would be narrow and pinched--certainly not ideal.)

So unless an import CD comes along without the copy protection, this one's a "No Sale" for me! Yes, I know, I could probably copy it in my dual-well CD deck...but I should not have to do this to begin with.

Sorry Burt. :(

Post by GehVorbei »

There is no apparant copy protection on the single disc version I bought here in Germany: 82676734112 LC 13989 P&C SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (UK) LIMITED. Made in the EU.

When it arrived I just downloaded it on my Apple PowerBook to iTunes and then on my iPod.

Copy Protection

Post by EJO »

I bought the CD, unaware of the copy protection. It won't allow me to load it into i-tunes, which is how we listen to music in my house.
My next option was to buy the whole thing again from itunes, but it's not available there.
So now the only place I can listen to it is in my car! With the price of gas, a nice long drive to take in the music will cost me another $15!
It's not like I'm trying to make copies or put the disc out over the internet for millions to grab. I BOUGHT the CD with good money. I should be able to listen to it without dragging out the old CD player again and completely altering the way we listen to music!
Maybe the 8-track tape wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Post by Guest »

Do you have to drive in order for your CD player to work?

Post by Guest »

The single disc I bought from doesn't have the copy protection either. I imported the songs into iTunes without any problems.

Re: Copy Protection

Post by Rudy »

EJO wrote: Maybe the 8-track tape wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Heh, no kidding. ;) Even mangled cassettes have a certain appeal after all this.

As it stands, I'm boycotting ANY version of this album, even an import, until Sony/BMG quits insulting us U.S. buyers, and I'm urging others to do so. As I mentioned, the new Neil Diamond CD will have this malware--oops, copy protection--on the new CD, as will the upcoming Santana release (which I believe is on Arista, another Sony/BMG label). For its part, Amazon has listed the Diamond and Santana CDs as having copy protection, so fortunately that red flag kept me from ordering these.

I just think it's an insult to us, and it also denies us of the fair use we were entitles to, to make copies of our purchased music for our own use.

If anyone here was unforutnate enough to slip the CD into a computer drive, and have the Sony/BMG malware installed on the computer (which apparently replaces some of your device drivers with their own, without the user's knowledge), go to this site to remove it:

Yeah, I know...I can copy the CD in my dual-well deck and use that copy in my computer, but I shouldn't have to. And I doubt Sony/BMG is going to reimburse me for the 25 cents for a blank CD.

Sorry, Mr. Bacharach... :(


Post by Rudy »


Post by BB/HD Fan »

I hear they're considering reissuing it herenin the US minus the Copy-Protection spyware... maybe in addition to reissuing it without the spyware copy-protection crap they can also reissue it in instrumental-only form so we don't have to listen to Burt pontificating MoveOn.Org talking points... :lol:

--BB/HD Fan

Copy Protected CD

Post by Guest »

The iTunes/iPod issue isn't a concern to me since I am not a user. However, since I haven't yet picked up my copy of ATT, I'd like to know whether the copy protection diminishes the sound quality in any way. I may decide to wait for the new US version or opt for an import.

Post by Guest »

When played on a CD Player (home or automobile) there should be no sound problems. The problem lies in when being downloaded on your computer the files are saved as a wma. file which is an inferior program. It all depends if you intend to listed to the downloaded files, otherwise you should have no problems.

Post by guest »

I just bought At This Time at my neighborhood Barnes and Noble in Houston today. Burned it right into my i-tunes and then onto my i-pod.
(I'm a Mac momma) No problems downloading it at all. Anyone know why? I was upset earlier with all I was readinig here and on Amazon about not being able to copy it onto my computer. There is an FBI warning on the CD, but everything transfered A-OK.

Copy Protected CD's

Post by brucewms »

About two (2) months ago I read an article about copy-protected CD's that were going to hit the market. The article stated that you will be able to copy the disc maybe 3 or 4 times but after that you won't be able to copy it to anything anymore. I too don't like the copy-protected products because I love to customize and mix certain songs and/or segue certain ones. For instance, I would love to copy Ron Isley's "The Look Of Love" and then segue it into the sixth cut from "At This Time" (Can't Give It Up) because the begining of both songs are identical and would make for a beautiful extension of the melodic theme. I did the same thing with a song written for Dionne by Isaac Hayes and Adrienne entitled "Don't Ever Take Your Love Away". I started by jazz artist John Klemmer's version and then segued that into Dionne's version and then segued that one into a version by a group called East Coast Offering. When I played the completed final mix for my friends, they loved it and would say "I never heard that version before, where did you get it?". Since then I have lost that mix and I mixed it via vinyl and I no longer have any versions of that song but would like to do it all over again if I can find those versions whether they be on vinyl or CD. Bruce. [/i]

Copy Protected

Post by Guest »

This copy protection sucks. I will not buy another CD with this on there.
I bought yours Burt, but thats it. What gives the record company the right to download crap on my computer. I payed for the CD.
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